In coordination with National Public Lands Day...
In cooperation with local off-road organizations...
In cooperation with the US Army Corps of Engineers...
The Perry Lake ORV Work Day!
Sunday September 28
What will we be doing?
- Trimming branches off the trail
- Weed-whacking around the perimeter fence line
- Erosion control
- Constructing a safer creek crossing using a conduit and gravel
So bring your gas-powered edger, chainsaw, shovel, and leather gloves. (Or just you!) Work day kicks off at 9 AM. When the work wraps up, we'll play on the trails to enjoy the fruits of our labor!
Download the Volunteer Form
Not only will we benefit directly from an improved riding area, the local Corps office gets credit for every volunteer hour worked. This is why we need you to complete the Volunteer Form. We'll have copies at the work day, but save time by downloading and filling out the form ahead of time.
Google Map