So there is a small gang up in Nebraska that meets on the 2nd Saturday of the month for breakfast.
When I say "small", I mean, I think like maybe 3 to 7 people show up irregularly. There is even a chance that I'll arrive for breakfast and be the only one. That's OK! Now I don't really want to tip them off that I'm coming. I thought it would be kind of funny to just show up in Ceresco, NE for breakfast all the way from Kansas City. So shhhh.
That's too far to run up in the morning unless you want to take off at 4:15AM, haul butt up major I-29, and dodge the deer. So my plan is to start the adventure Friday after work--maybe even leave a bit early--and camp in Brownville, NE. ...
Brownville is an historic river town and has a thing they call "Friday Nights" with live music, food options, etc. Not sure if it's cool or not, but they have a State Recreation area with camping right there on the river. It is supposed to be heavily wooded all along the river in this area. The photos look beautiful anyway.
Camping could be at the Brownville State Recreation Area: ... eation.cfm
A possible route to Brownville looks like this: Google Map Link
After breakfast, ride home along whatever route looks to be the most enjoyable. I'm still working on route options. I welcome suggestions for roads to ride, things to see, and places to eat.
Brownville and a couple nearby towns have plenty of lodging options, so camping would not be required.