Troy, do you remember a time about 2 years ago in the White Rock, Arkansas area where you had a little get off? We were a group of about 8. One rider went missing, I think it was Tracy, so Troy goes back to find him. On the way back to the group Troy wanted to impress us with his riding skills and came up to the group at a brisk pace. He applied a tad too much front break and took a spill not more than 10 feet from us. Now I know thats not very funny, but what he did next was great. Somehow he ended up on top of his bike sliding down the trail and before the bike came to a stop, he jumped off and ran right into the middle of the group with a big shit eating grin of his face like he meant to do it. I was very impressed to say the least.
I have also witnessed Tracy and "the boob man" trying to impersonate a submarine at the same water hole on a trail down by Cass Ark. Lots of us have been on this trail , but if you haven't just imagine a trail with lots of large swells to divert the water off the trail. most you can't see over to see whats there to land on. This one spot happened to have a very deep water hole and thats where the fun begins.
There must be lots more stories, lets hear a few, David h