Here is what I did------ By the way all the tools used were very high tech, and almost made strictly for motorcycles

This all came about because of a get off on the loop of oz ride. Out in the north west corner of Ks I had stopped to take a couple of pictures. My bike was loaded a bit top heavy and left little room for rider dismount. I had a huge tank bag and 3 duffel bags for clothes. camping stuff, tools, and all the misc. stuff a guy needes to ride and camp, placed on the back. Well my boot caught a buckel on a bungee cord and over she came. 0 mph but with all the weight the front end twisted. It weighed so much I couldn't get her up. I did get a stiff sore back for my efforts. Larry showed up about a minute later and we got the big pig up. Did a road side repair and back to having fun.
Advice need, David H