How in the heck are you going to get it tagged? Your wife must work at the courthouse.
How about your prize be a test drive of my 950?! You'll like how it pulls, these things are all motor! The po had it dyno'd in austin to dial in the carbs after putting on the exhaust. It pull 89 HP at the rear wheel!Savage wrote:Both bikes look very sharp. I'd like to try out a 690 & 950 someday.
And WOW, it looks like you know your old CR's! Those reasons are exactly why I have an '01! And to the "Blue is Better" comment, that is partly why i bought my old bike back. I rode a friends yz with the maxpower bigbore and wow! I didnt like his brakes but i did like that yamaha seat!Motoracer13 wrote:I WANT IN ON THE PRIZE! Really I have been drooling over those since they came out. I would even let ya try out my streetbike since Im still dualsportless. Its an 07 Suzuki GSXR1000, it dyno'd 163hp at the wheel last spring.
DEAL! Lets make that happen, Id love to ride the big Gixxer!
OK so the easy hint is the black plastic for aluminum framed honda.The HUGE hint is in the top pic showing its a dual radiator bike with the Y shaped coolant hose in veiw. 99 was the last year for the big single radiator. Looking at the lower end you can tell that its not a cable operated RC powervalve that came out in 02. Hondas cr250r 00-01 motors were the best of their 2strokes. 02 and later and the RC PV valves were hard to keep crisp and suffered jetting probs that made motor feel even worse.
Hondas 00-01 cr250's are great all round 2stroke dirtbikes........
But Blue is Better !
Sounds good. If you're down in my area sometime LMK and we'll go for a ride.xr-nut wrote:How about your prize be a test drive of my 950?! You'll like how it pulls, these things are all motor! The po had it dyno'd in austin to dial in the carbs after putting on the exhaust. It pull 89 HP at the rear wheel!Savage wrote:Both bikes look very sharp. I'd like to try out a 690 & 950 someday.
Harvey Mushman wrote:Fatty or Gnarly?.........
xr-nut wrote:Harvey Mushman wrote:Fatty or Gnarly?.........
Gnarly, why?
They are out of business.
firepiper wrote:I did have some comments but I'll keep them to myself for now. When we going for a ride? I'm ready! Are you going to be able to tag that thing, is that the plan?