As usual this started by a ride report I read on ADVrider about a fail attempt in 2009 of some guys trying to ride a thousand miles in less than 24 hours leaving from Goodland. Actually reading a little bit more the history of the ride it looks like Lee was amongst the first finishers in 2003.
In any case, I did not really know what to think about it nor if I wanted to do it, but being located near the start, it was an opportunity hard to pass. To see if I even had a chance in a million to finish it I took a couple of longer rides (>500 miles) pre riding part of the course to see how it was looking and how doable I thought it was.
It sure did wear my tires in a hurry, but I decided that I thought it was doable and that I was going to give it a try.

After the first ride I realized a few things.
- I needed more comfortable pegs so that my feet and knees would not be killing me after long hours standing up.
- I needed lights, as a big part of the ride will be at night.
I elected the dually from big dog, it looks like they have brighter, but I did not have that much money to spend.
I am pretty pleased with the results
No lights

Low beam

High beam

With Duallys on

The ride was supposed to start tomorrow morning but thanks to the rain, it was decided that the ride was going to be postponed one day and will start on saturday morning at 3:45 am from Goodland.
If you are stuck at work you'll be able to watch our progress here
The rain yesterday and tonight is going to make it very interesting. I guess after a few miles into the ride, we'll know a lot more about it.
Bike is ready

I'll have to be careful to turn them off for upcoming traffic, they are pretty blinding

I am about as ready as I will ever get, I am excited to give it a try!