katbeanz wrote:Very cool Troy!
katbeanz wrote:BTW, one of the ADV rockies inmates is getting ready to go to a shane watts school. I told her you might not mind answering a couple questions and posted a link to your watts thread.
I'm actually wearing my "I survived DirtWise with Shane Watts" T-shirt right now. No problem--yeah she can contact me.
katbeanz wrote: I don't know how much rideforum resources embedding vids uses, much more than just posting the link?

That's the beauty of the embed--it does not use any of my server's resources! So I'd much rather folks embed or link to photos and videos than upload them directly to RideForum.NET. In most cases, it's more convenient for you anyway since you've already uploaded them somewhere like YouTube, Picasa, SmugMug, etc.
katbeanz wrote:AnnieGS posted a link to irfanview, a free picture editor that resizes pics in a snap. What's the best way to insert text into photos?
ifranview is a popular product. I use PhotoResizer
It works in a unique way--you name the program the size of pic you want. You just put the program on your desktop, then if you want 400px wide images, for example, you just name the program PhotoResize400.exe. Then when you drag & drop photos onto it, it automatically creates a new image from the existing image of the correct size. You can drag entire folders onto it, and it creates new images for all in the folder. Slick.
As for the best way to insert text into a photo...I don't have any slick tools for that. I use a full-fledged graphic art program like Macromedia's Fireworks (Like Photoshop but much less powerful--optimized for creating images for the web.) There are definitely easier to use and low cost solutions out there, I'm just not familiar with them.