Good to see that someone else is as cheap as me when it comes to luggage options

2 thumbs up for the Military coolers.
The gap is quite the road isnt it. Been there about 5 times now. If you really want to see a spetical, watch 2 semis pass eachother in the middle of the gap. Took 4 cops, about half a dozen motorcyclists, and a lot of jocking, handwaving and 30 mins for it to happen. It was really something. I didnt know a big truck could stay upright when only one tire on the trailer was on the road

Poor gal that was in the truck comming up the gap was in tears by the time it was over. I was sitting down at the bottom of the gap at the pull off when she passed by. There was about 20 of us sitting there. I just started yelling STOP HER, STOP HER!!!!!! The only real place she could turn around was right there at the bottom. No one did a thing and just sat there in awe that there was a semi going up the gap. I jumped on the bike and stopped her about 2 miles on past the where we were sitting. She pulled over and was freaking out. She had never been there before and had no Idea what it was like. I Had another guy call 911 and cops came and escorted her through. It was all good till we met the other truck comming down the gap. The whole time we were trying to get the 2 trucks by eachother I didnt even snap a pic. I was quite bummed about this. It was really something. At one point I swear you couldnt put a 2x4 inbetween the 2 trailers