Was just cruising to work (in the dark) in LS on Pryor and out pops a deer right in front of the Fire Station and into my front wheel on the 990. All I see is a brown blur in front of the wheel and I instinctively look over the front to the left, around the front...and wham

So I land on the left side away from the bike and slid/tumble down the road. I could maybe have stayed on it if I had not looked over the left side, or you could say I left the bike on the left and did not highside/tumble with the bike if I'd gone rigid facing forward trying to ride that fast "dog" out like I thought it was. Who can say..
My hands hurts, gloves ruined,and the bike slid on the crashbars down the road leaving me and stupid deer laying there. I got up and walked over to the sidewalk to sit down, thought about kicking the dying deer but decided to pass out instead on the sidewalk. Luckily I didn't take my helmet off first. I come too and a lady is asking if I need 911 - yep I'd say so.
Armored Jacket was abraided enough I ordered another. Boots have scuffed up marks. I was not wearing kneepads but at least I was wearing rain pants over my jeans. Otherwise my knees would be pretty messed up. Rain pants are at least slick. Those rain pants where shredded, knees, legs, butt all ground up. Jeans fine but a few knee holes right where I got scabs in the pic.
I have deer hair everywhere on my pants and jacket. Maybe I surfed him - that little shit. More likely a twin rag doll road tumble dance.
Mr hobbles

Still have hand issues. Coupled with last year's breaking my pinky up in pieces this has left my left hand's left side pretty sore still. Have trouble signing and can't write for more than a few words without it hurting. My terrible writing has become illegible. Knees are fine. Bike is good, crash bars on big adv bikes are tank savers.
It just ground off a 1/16th or so of metal on them, touch up paint and ready for the next adventure. New helmet. New gloves. New jacket.
$30000 bill. Keep that insurance up to date and have a good policy. CAT scan, hand and chest xray, morphin (for those knees).
I'll always wear kneepads. But I feel pretty lucky.