Also consider that traditionally shops charge a relatively low fee to mount your tires when you purchase the tire because they are able to offset some of the labor cost with the tire profit. This has trained people to not value tire mounting as much as perhaps they should. This is something consumers should consider when comparing prices of tires online vs the local store.
Local store charges $195 for tire and $25 to mount = $225. Online Discount store charges $165 for the same tire, but now you have an installation hassle and it will cost more than $25....unless you do it yourself, which is the ultimate manly option--why are we even having this conversation?! Pansies!

On top of the cost, you also have work to do--either haul your bike (assuming the tire won't hold air) or get out the tools and remove your wheel and haul it to the shop. I'm sure it's easy to take off work to make this happen...right?

How many of you would like to be able to simply call or email someone who takes all the hassle out of it? What if that person had a mobile rig and could come to your house (or wherever your motorcycle is) to mount & balance your tire(s)? Assuming you are saving all that cash by buying discount online, how much would you pay for such a service?
As you choose your answer to this poll, I hope you really remember back to the last time you either changed a tire yourself on your garage floor or had to remove your wheels to take to a shop or haul your bike to get new tires mounted.
Also feel free to post your additional thoughts!
Would you find this service more convenient if it offered evening hours?
How likely are you to go ballistic if you find a tiny, new scratch on your rim?
Would you be likely to use a service like this for oil & filter changes?