I know you've all been waiting for me to chime in on this, well, your wait is over!

So it is about time, Honda step up to the plate in this segment. I hope it is not too late. I, like others, am extremely excited about this bike. I will wait a year or two and let them sort it out, plus get the aftermarket time to build parts for it. One of you guys will buy a new one and decide you don't like it, I'll be waiting!!!

So, as far as the bike goes, here are my thoughts. Weight-non issue. Once the aftermarket gets some exhaust built, that will shave I bet 20# off the bike. Weight held up high. This new powerbomb header and q4/arrestor will also add power. The new exhaust will address the next glaringly wrong numbers we are seeing on the webs, the horsepower. Some site claims all of 25hp, no way.

The R version is rated at 59.9, and from what Ive read, this engine is the same, minus some compression. It should easily be in the 45+ area for HP stock. A good exhaust and tuner, this thing should rip like an R bike. The gas tank is going to be an issue, but again companies like clarke should be able to put something together. More weight can be lost by getting the hard foam filler out of the swing arm and loosing the dampers in the rear wheel. From Ultimatemotorcycling:
"2019 Honda CRF450L gets different ECU settings for cleaner running, a more restrictive airbox to quiet things down, various emissions-controlling doo-dads, a fan for the thermostat-controlled high-capacity radiators, a more powerful AC generator for the streetable LED lighting, a stronger lithium-ion battery, rubber-damped steel sprockets, thicker case covers to deaden noise, a dedicated box for electronics, mirrors, switchgear, DOT-legal IRC rubber, and oddly enough, urethane injected into the swingarm to make it quieter. All that adds just 14 pounds to the CRF450L—amazing." 14# is a big deal, and most these items can be "fixed"!
Holy wall of text batmat, for those with adhd, here is the tldr version: super excited kickass new bike in my color!!