It looks like spring is in full swing and hopefully everyone is making their riding plans for the months to come! In the spirit of that idea, the Razorback Riders would like to let everyone know that we will be holding our 2nd Annual "Rally @ the Rock" at our club campground in the Ozark National Forest on October 14-16, 2016. For those of you that attended last year's inaugural rally you already know what our club and our area have to offer motorcycle riders of all types.
Last year's rally was a great time for all in attendance and we want to make this year's version even better. The rally will be very similar to last year's format, but we will use some of the feedback from our participants to make the 2nd annual even better. We will still have everything from last year's rally- Razorback Rider-led rides on trails and roads, .gpx routes, etc.
A lot of the details have yet to be determined, but I will update this thread as soon as we get them hammered out in the weeks to come.
For anyone interested in last year's rally that wasn't there, here is a link to that thread- ... r.1080048/
Post-event ride reports here: ... s.1099394/
Mark your calendars and we hope to see a bunch of you in October!