Finished the bridges the next day after setting the main frame. Over the holiday I then set out to put the trails in order. I had not checked them out yet this year and there was a lot more damage than I had anticipated. Several hours with the chain saw cutting away fallen trees and drifted in logs,then they were passable with the tractor. Another half day of brush hogging and moving trees with the tractor and another day with the mower doing the final cutting. Now all that really remains is trimming face slapping branches. The trails are basically the same but with some changes ,some of which are man made and some by nature. We now have "mattress" sections ,places where corn stalks have drifted in making a thick spongy mat. I left at least one drifted in log for a log crossing, yes there is a go round, for those who choose. In a few places the creek banks had cut away enough that the trail was no long safe so a new course was made.
I rode them all today on the cycle for the first time this year and all is in order.
Old wooden, not as good as before, bridge rebuilt

A very sturdy steel bridge that hopefully will last longer than the wooden one.