Yup- we plan on being in AR for the whole month of April. We're going to do the WUDI ride on the 4-5 and the TARKC ride the first weekend of May. In between those two rides we'll be in Eureka Springs for most if not all of the time.troy wrote:Do you & Allisa have any plans to setup camp in AR this year for longer than a couple weeks?kendall_smith wrote:...I can't wait until April when we'll be able to be there enjoying the trails and roads!
Some people love the desert. My pop is one of them--he finds endless beauty in the relative barrenness. My biggest desert experience is probably riding out in Moab, and while I loved the riding, that landscape would get old to me. I love TREES and flowing water and riding in the forest!
As for the desert- like most things, it is good in moderation. I think we have realized that a month in one spot is going to be our maximum, but this crazy winter is causing a lack of options of places to go. I'm ready to get back to dirt (instead of sand) and trees (instead of cacti) and water (instead of dry creek and river beds that only have water in them during flash floods)!

It also seems the dirt riding down here is lacking a bit. I haven't even ridden the 350 since there hasn't been anything that I was uncomfortable riding on the 990. There are a lot of places that look like they would be cool to ride, but there is a lot of private land around here with crazy owners that don't mind pointing and shooting guns at you to keep you out!