I rode up to St. Joe to buy a new seat for a lawnmower (they have them cheap at Sav-On if you need one....
But anyway, I'm on my way back at 75 mph on I-29 and my KLR gives a little tug, like it was running out of gas. I thought, "that's weird, I should have an almost full tank.
So I pull over to listen to the motor to makes sure it wasn't some chain inside the engine skipping or something.
I look down and see my jacket liner wrapped around my rear sprocket. Somehow the liner for my jacket climbed out of my left panner and found it's way around my chain. I'm lucky the dang thing didn't lock up my rear tire!

I had to prop my bike on a pannier to pull the wheel off and untangle the shreaded jacket liner on the side of I-29. I wish I had my camera with me.
Anyway, moral of the story, be carefull out there, look out for jacket liners, and make sure you latch luggage lids before you ride away!!!!!