Do you ever get together with family around the holidays and wish you would have planned a little get together ahead of time with some of your like-minded friends? I do. So I'm throwing out the idea of a RideForum Family New Years Eve get together. It wouldn't have to be on NYE, just throwing it out there. We could just pick a location and come together for some food, drinks, and fun.
RFF NYE Get Together?
RFF NYE Get Together?
Ahhh, pre-mix!!
Re: RFF NYE Get Together?

I have been a Cat Shepherd for a few decades, and can offer you this advice: pick a date, time, and location then announce it and hope for the best. If you are looking for a cooperative, collaborative, process with input from lots of folks...GOOD LUCK! (meow!)
There is the Jan 7 TARKC meeting. Maybe that could be hijacked into the Winter Party. You'd have to take it up with the TARKC Godfather, Randy (allkidd).