I have two strong arms and will'n to work, 'til the sun goes down... Wait, that's a country song.
I have a brand new chainsaw and will work hard most of the day.

Troy, your scrap-booking expertise will sure come in handy putting together a photo album.troy wrote:......
Moridin gave me this idea---is anyone in our community a pro or really good hobby photographer? (Stu?) It would be great to have a photographer (or team) to document the day--especially before and after photos of the trails. If we have enough people show up and make a big enough difference at School Creek, we might even submit the story with photos to local news or at least to the Blue Ribbon Coalition for inclusion in their newsletter about the success groups are having around the country. In any case, I want to put up a photo album to share after the work day.
Productive, helpful input as always, Eddie. Thanks for being a part of the community.ajayhawkfan wrote:Troy, your scrap-booking expertise will sure come in handy putting together a photo album.troy wrote:......
Moridin gave me this idea---is anyone in our community a pro or really good hobby photographer? (Stu?) It would be great to have a photographer (or team) to document the day--especially before and after photos of the trails. If we have enough people show up and make a big enough difference at School Creek, we might even submit the story with photos to local news or at least to the Blue Ribbon Coalition for inclusion in their newsletter about the success groups are having around the country. In any case, I want to put up a photo album to share after the work day.
You're welcome to use it. It's not a high dollar one, but it's decent sized and works.troy wrote: HanesAnizer, I might borrow your saw--and try not to break it.
Thanks, Phil! Glad you can help.phil denk wrote:I'm in...I don't have a gas chain saw but I'm pretty good with my long handled pruning shears. Back in the day, when cutting trails for the Lawrence Enduro we used gas powered trimmers with a rotary blade. Very effective for cutting saplings at ground level.
Thanks for the report, JLR! Glad you can bring an ATV. Hmmm...we aren't allowed to burn, but....if a fire happened to get out of control....JLR wrote:I just returned from School Creek; went out this morning for a sneak preview. We have got our work cut out for us; things are ugly out there. I will bring my ATV and can play taxi. A large majority of the trails are dangerous for ATV's because the motorcycle traffic has cut the center so deep. The grass and general ground cover is also very thick.
May sound crazy, and probably not an option within our hands, but I would like to see it burned which would really give things a fresh start.
Not trying to scare anyone away, but thought I'd let you know what I saw this morning.
I know it is out of the way but you are welcome to come to the cabin and pick up my ATV. Battery is shooting craps but it has pull cord as well.troy wrote:........Do any of you have ATVs you could bring? It sure would be nice to have some with racks to carry tools, supplies, and people to where the work is going on. In fact, it could be a job for a few folks just to operate ATV taxis as needed.
Thanks, Eddie! Depending on how the ATV situation looks closer to the event, I might come get it if I think we need it.ajayhawkfan wrote:I know it is out of the way but you are welcome to come to the cabin and pick up my ATV. Battery is shooting craps but it has pull cord as well.
Dang it! I forgot about mokanriders.com -- a nice site and active community. (Did not come up in my general Googling.) I also just registered there--awaiting administrator approval. Curado, thank you for getting that community in the know about this event. You have a lot of ATV guys in that group, and we need those guys to be a part of this work day. Do you think there is more we can do to get the word out to those guys?curado wrote:I'll be arriving Saturday morning with Stu. I have also posted a thread on http://www.mokanriders.com to see if anyone is interested in bringing their ATV out to lend a hand.