gagnaou wrote:DonG wrote:So any one want to go ride this next week? Seriously... Like Monday Morning

Don, you should give us the whole story here

any pictures?
Yeah, so it was a bit shorter of a trip then I had planned. . .
I left in the morning about 9am, made it up to Leavenworth. The trail starts just outside of Leavenworth and was mostly gravel. as I rode further on I started to hit some unmaintained roads and dirt roads. The unmaintained and dirt roads where more fun to ride then the gravel was to me.
I made it down to Rossvile about 2pm, and stopped to get gas and food. Guy at the gas station said to get lunch at the bar near the edge of town. The burger was good, but they were out of fries, and the waitress offered me onion rings instead. So as a great lover of all things fatty and fried I agreed. The onion rings were what I could only describe as burnt to all batter dipped hell.
Anyways, back to the trail.
So I head south out of Rossville, and make it just north of Eskridge. I was going west down Military Trail "road", a unmaintained road, and turned south onto Divide road. I made it through a rough patch of dirt and rocks that was under some heavy tree cover. Got past that, and hot another section of heavy tree cover, rocks, and dirt with some wash outs as well. I'm not sure how fast I was going through that stretch, but I got caught up in washouts and wound up going ass over tea kettle, I land pretty hard on my left side. Hop up and dust my self off, I know what day of the week it is, I can move my toes, nothing on me is screaming in pain. Okay Don, your okay, you can make it out of this. So I try for a while to stand the bike up with no luck. So strip most the crap off of the bike and manage to get it stood back up. Check the bike out: Shifter - check, break leaver - check, clutch leaver - check, break pedal - check, bike fires up - check. Okay, good deal, I'm not walking. Put everything back on the bike, and climb back on. Now at this point, you have to understand that I am on the shorter side of life, and the suspension on the DR is incredibly soft, even after I adjust the rear spring perch. And as such it was sagging pretty good with the full load on it. So my right foot is down hill from my left foot / kick stand, and I don't have have a good purchase with my right. So I rock the bike over to right to get the kick stand enough clearance to go back. And then... I drop the sombitch back onto my right side this time, and as a bonus feature, I trap my leg this time. So after I kick the bike off with my right leg and crawl up out of the ditch I start stripping everything back off of the bike so I can get it back up. So I go through all that, and this time manage to actuall get the kick stand up with out dropping the thing a second time. I get heading down the "road" again and damn near go ass over tea kettle again when I hit a couple more ruts, I think it was in deep gravel, but I can't really recall for sure. So I decide discretion was the better part of valor, plus I didn't want to risk having something I didn't notice getting damaged failing on me further out, or crash a second time and break anything off that may have been damaged in the first incident, plus I was sore as hell yesterday, and knew it wasn't going to get better. So I beat feet home. Kinda sucks, but it could have been a lot worse.
All in all, what I rode of the trail was fun, thank you for the help and what not Luc, I appreciate it.
I didn't take any pics of where I went off at, but here is pretty close to the location, just a little south of here. ... 14,,0,17.3
I did take a couple pics. I still need to pull them off the camera, not sure if they are anything special or not.