Andy wrote:-25 lbs of crap in your top box is too much. At least for me.
Yes, but Andy was prepared for most anything! He had all kinds of tools and spare parts along including a multi-meter and spare spark plug. I'm surprised he did not have a spare CDI unit in that box!
In Andy's defense, the ride was billed as an "easy dualsport". That weight would not be a problem on an "easy" dualsport. The road where the carnage took place was something that would be classified as "difficult" for typical dualsport. While the route was billed as "easy", Link told me he was testing the route for a big dualsport he wants to put on in the spring, so it was not 100% pre-ridden.
I do have to admit, I am the one who chose to lead us down that road.

I would definitely include it as an "A" option for those that want a bit of a challenge. I think despite Andy's bike destruction (and bruised hip), like me, he'd want to ride that road again.
That's what I love about that part of Missouri--you can go as deep as you want. Great, twisty pavement, rugged forest roads, creek crossings....all the way to abandoned, washed-out logging roads and even single-track for the small bikes.