http://www.kcconfidential.com/full_cont ... =yes&pbr=1
Basically the only bit of truth I could gather from the article is that the motorcycles are illegally parked longer than the 15 minute time. The rest is hysterically exaggerated.
Oh really?! Those old men made me very uncomfortable undressing me with their eyes. I'm not a piece of man-candy for their enjoyment!ajayhawkfan wrote:NOT Politically Correct Allert
The old men sitting at Latte Land have never been a threat to public safety like some of the roaming bands of feral kids.
DonG wrote:I've waited years for an appropriate place to post this.
Spoken like a perverted, old dude. Stu, you should be ashamed of yourself. Leave those poor barista girls alone.Stu wrote:The postings following the article rapidly degenerated into rants that had nothing at all to do with bikers parking in time limited zones or in no parking zones and the bikers staring at the wait staff. Hard to tell from the report what exactly was going on. My observations of illegal parking on the Plaza would indicate that there is not much of it going on and that security does write tickets. It seems to me that the Plaza's young female work force would attract guys that like to stare. It may not be illegal but it certainly is uncouth. So far bad judgment and primitive behavior have not been criminalized. It apparently is criticized when there is a slow news day.
Perfect description.Stu wrote:Troy,
............... a sad image of you as a man............