Jan 4, 2010: Ouachita National Forest Makes Travel Mgmt..
Posted: 05 Jan 2010 13:27
January 4, 2010
Ouachita National Forest Makes Travel Management Decision
Designations to Take Effect This Spring
I have attached the announcement as a PDF. As you might expect, the announcement regarding OHV use in the forest is not good news for us.
They are closing the Wolf-Pen Gap Trail system on week days!
Here is a link to a 4.5MB PDF that is a map of the trails that will be on the MVUM and designates the trails they are permanently closing. If you figure out how to actually locate trails from this map to a physical location on the ground, let me know! Seems the forest service could issue a GPS data file with all the approved trails in a generic GPX format.
Understand that I WANT to abide by the law and forest service rules. I do stay off obvious private property. When I encounter gates on public trails that are closed, I close them after I pass. I NEVER litter and even pick up other people's litter occasionally. I do stay on trails--I don't just forage through the forest (except in a few "got to get out of here" accidental situations). But until the forest service can produce a map that actually has trails I can find that allow me to build a decent ride loop, I'm just "quietly" riding trails I can find. Heck, some of the trails I ride down there have been turned into 25' wide logging roads. I'm sure my motorcycle is really tearing it up.
That said, WE are our own worst enemy. Off-road enthusiasts as a whole are more to blame for the "man" coming down on us than any outside force.
More info at http://www.fs.fed.us/r8/ouachita/recrea ... ndex.shtml
January 4, 2010
Ouachita National Forest Makes Travel Management Decision
Designations to Take Effect This Spring
I have attached the announcement as a PDF. As you might expect, the announcement regarding OHV use in the forest is not good news for us.
Um, really? I'm pretty sure that riding any trail not on the MVUM since 2005 has been illegal anyway. So does this mean they are now going to "enforce" the existing rules? That would suggest they have resources to do so, and I'm pretty sure they do not.Forest Service wrote:For the Ouachita National Forest, the biggest change is that most cross country travel, either on user created trails or just riding through the forest on an OHV, will be eliminated.
They are closing the Wolf-Pen Gap Trail system on week days!

One of the main things to come out of the Travel Management Rule of 2005 was the idea of an "MVUM" or Motorized Vehicle Use Map.Forest Service wrote:Off-highway vehicle operators will see different opportunities at the popular Wolf-Pen Gap Trail system near Mena, AR. The 31 miles of loop trails will be designated as open routes on weekends and holidays between May 15th and September 15th. The change is due to adverse effects on water quality through sedimentation linked in part to current OHV use in the area.
Every forest district was mandated to produce an MVUM and keep it updated. The rule is, ONLY trails shown on the MVUM are legal for OHV use. All other "trails" you come across--marked or otherwise--should be off-limits to OHV use. Problem is, the MVUM is unusable! I obtained a copy of the St. Francis MVUM and found that it is not nearly detailed enough to read. It does not give any way points or other ways to pinpoint where the trails are. I tried to use it in an area I'm quite familiar with. Two things came out of that experience:Forest Service wrote:When implemented in the spring, routes will easily be identified by obtaining a Motor Vehicle Use Map (MVUM) from the local Ranger District office. The map will be the legal document that spells out where the route is, what type of motorized vehicle use is appropriate, and when it is open.
- NONE of the trails I ride were on the MVUM!
- NONE of the trails on the MVUM could be located!
Somehow the logging companies continue be granted permission to cut all the roads they want and clear cut areas leaving huge, uprooted stumps, etc. I used to get riled up about these announcements. However, it is my observation that the Ouachita , Ozark, and St. Francis forest folks and communities around them are generally OHV friendly. It is also my experience that the district is in no way capable of enforcing the Travel Management Rule or their own decisions. Whether this is because of budget, man-power, or apathy, I don't know.Forest Service wrote:Forest officials say, however, that options for additional or different routes still exist...“The public will have an important role to play in future route designations,” said Wagoner. “I encourage people to continue to work with the district office where they enjoy riding to share suggestions for potential trails or volunteer their group to help the Forest develop and maintain new designated routes.”
Here is a link to a 4.5MB PDF that is a map of the trails that will be on the MVUM and designates the trails they are permanently closing. If you figure out how to actually locate trails from this map to a physical location on the ground, let me know! Seems the forest service could issue a GPS data file with all the approved trails in a generic GPX format.
Understand that I WANT to abide by the law and forest service rules. I do stay off obvious private property. When I encounter gates on public trails that are closed, I close them after I pass. I NEVER litter and even pick up other people's litter occasionally. I do stay on trails--I don't just forage through the forest (except in a few "got to get out of here" accidental situations). But until the forest service can produce a map that actually has trails I can find that allow me to build a decent ride loop, I'm just "quietly" riding trails I can find. Heck, some of the trails I ride down there have been turned into 25' wide logging roads. I'm sure my motorcycle is really tearing it up.
That said, WE are our own worst enemy. Off-road enthusiasts as a whole are more to blame for the "man" coming down on us than any outside force.
More info at http://www.fs.fed.us/r8/ouachita/recrea ... ndex.shtml