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Anyone here ride a Harley?
Posted: 06 Nov 2009 08:42
by Savage
Here's a good instructional video. Must watch!
Re: Anyone here ride a Harley?
Posted: 06 Nov 2009 19:15
by MacWildcat
Load pipes save (annoy) lives.
Re: Anyone here ride a Harley?
Posted: 09 Nov 2009 09:31
by Savage
Saw lots of Harleys out this weekend. I just laughed when they'd cruise by with their big head bandana's, or leather snap hats, shades, leather vest, cute chaps and the Harley riders puffed up pose. lol They want you to call them fags now ya know!
Re: Anyone here ride a Harley?
Posted: 09 Nov 2009 14:34
by troy
That Southpark clip, like most all Southpark clips, is hilarious. You know, I got nothing against "Harley riders". I'm glad they are out there riding motorcycles. I think we've taken the term "Harley rider" to mean "A guy who rides a really loud cruiser and appears to be riding more for show than the love of riding". Yeah, those guys need to be laughed at. However, there are plenty of good people who enjoy cruising on their Harleys. If I had the money and space for all the bikes I want, I'd have a cruiser, too.
Re: Anyone here ride a Harley?
Posted: 09 Nov 2009 17:04
by Savage
Right. We're painting with a broad brush here. My brother is a diehard Harley guy. I don't think I could pay him to ride one of my bike's and go for a dual sport cruise, which is sad. One of his buddies is a Harley guy now but I use to ride dirt bikes with him. I think he'd be fine with getting on my bike and riding for a day of fun. I'll hop on his sportster and let it rip wearing "normal" clothes. I don't care. Last summer my wife and I rode with 5-7 Harley diehard's to a breakfast. We didn't fit the mold but I don't care. BORING ride though.
If I end up buying a harley can I still use my MX helmet and goggles or do I have to buy a half helmet?
That episode is against us too. I mean I've worn most of my gear, cruised some gravel roads and then cruised around in town some just because I felt like it (my bike is loud too). So we could be in that group too.
But it's just so damn funny that it's on Harley riders this time. Now when I see newb's I can laugh and say Fag and know I'm not alone. LOL
Re: Anyone here ride a Harley?
Posted: 09 Nov 2009 19:02
by MacWildcat
Thought for a second there you were going to incriminate yourself by using the "H" word instead of cruiser, Troy. LOL
I remember speaking with a Honda mechanic years ago. He explained how much de-engineering they had to do to a Honda engine to make it run that bad. Also talked about the loss of horsepower, economy associated. Can you imagine how much better a harley would be if it was actually engineered for performance. It's no wonder a sport bike with half the CC's is no match.
I read a article last week about new noise regulations in the works, sparked specifically by the cruiser crowd. The off-road MX crowd has already stepped up with raceday sound tests (and they are on a closed course?). Never figured how annoying the general public in mass has any bearing on patriotism? Laws happen when folks are not conscientious enough to regulate themselves..... the Southpark skit was dead-on.
American-made has it's merits, but I have my standards too.

Maybe someday harley will adapt to the New World way; quiet, efficient and eco-friendly.