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What's a 1990 KLR650 Worth?
Posted: 01 Jul 2009 08:39
by twerth
Looking at picking one of these up. It has less than 4000 miles, clear title and new tires (Avons). Has a couple of dents in the tank, but overall looks to be in good shape. Mods include Uni-Filter, cored exhaust, rejetted and recently replaced chain and sprockets. I took it for a ride (street & hiway only) and it ran well.
What do you think?
Re: What's a 1990 KLR650 Worth?
Posted: 01 Jul 2009 10:40
by jsherm01
$800 to $1200. Offer $500

Re: What's a 1990 KLR650 Worth?
Posted: 01 Jul 2009 12:43
by troy
1990? That's an early one! But almost identical to a 2006! "Book value" is going to be very low of course. In my opinion, any good dualsport motorcycle that is in clean running condition is worth at least $1,500. However, I'd hope to purchase it for $1,000 or less. $800 might be a good target.
Re: What's a 1990 KLR650 Worth?
Posted: 01 Jul 2009 13:02
by safiri
NADA, to me, is notoriously low on price. This spring I priced my 2001 400cc LC4 at $3000. Sold it for $2900. Had three very interested buyers. Price based on similar sales that I could find on AdvRider and similar. NADA listed avg retail as $1695. I wouldn't have sold it for that price.
So my advice is to go search for similar sales on AdvRider. CraigsList doesn't work as the posts are deleted, unless you can find a cached page via Google.
Re: What's a 1990 KLR650 Worth?
Posted: 01 Jul 2009 16:20
by tp_cracker
twerth wrote:Looking at picking one of these up. It has less than 4000 miles, clear title and new tires (Avons). Has a couple of dents in the tank, but overall looks to be in good shape. Mods include Uni-Filter, cored exhaust, rejetted and recently replaced chain and sprockets. I took it for a ride (street & hiway only) and it ran well.
What do you think?
Give me a shout once you get one, would like to see how you can handle one of these pigs in the dirt. You should have learned once you rode mine, that once you ride one, you will buy one. BTW, mine is a 2007 with 15,000 miles and I wouldn't dare sell it.
Re: What's a 1990 KLR650 Worth?
Posted: 01 Jul 2009 20:55
by twerth
tp_cracker wrote:Give me a shout once you get one, would like to see how you can handle one of these pigs in the dirt. You should have learned once you rode mine, that once you ride one, you will buy one. BTW, mine is a 2007 with 15,000 miles and I wouldn't dare sell it.
Hey Cracker!
Glad to hear your still kicking. I used to have one of these when they were still 600 cc's and didn't have electric start (1984 I think). I did a lot of damage with that thing and always regretted getting rid of it. I raced motocross when I was younger (20+ years ago), but it's like riding a bicycle, right? I'll drop you a line if I get it and we'll see if I remember how (gas on the right, shift on the left?).
Re: What's a 1990 KLR650 Worth?
Posted: 18 Aug 2009 08:37
by twerth
Well, I went ahead and took the plunge. I spent the last month or so fixing a few minor things (seat cover, paint, skid plate, etc.). I've attached before and after pictures, so let me know what you think. Now I just need to find a place to get it dirty... ... 409001.jpg ... 609006.jpg
Re: What's a 1990 KLR650 Worth?
Posted: 18 Aug 2009 08:49
by troy
Lookin' good! Now go ride!
Re: What's a 1990 KLR650 Worth?
Posted: 18 Aug 2009 12:57
by tp_cracker
With those tires, I wouldn't look at getting too dirty yet. BTW, which is the before and which is the after pic

Re: What's a 1990 KLR650 Worth?
Posted: 18 Aug 2009 16:04
by twerth
tp_cracker wrote:With those tires, I wouldn't look at getting too dirty yet. BTW, which is the before and which is the after pic

You're right, those tires aren't very aggressive, but maybe not as bad as they look in the picture. Problem is they're new and could last a while
I guess I should have labeled the pictures so ex-CRBers would understand. The one with the sheepskin seat cover before (smartazz).
Re: What's a 1990 KLR650 Worth?
Posted: 18 Aug 2009 16:42
by Kware
Re: What's a 1990 KLR650 Worth?
Posted: 18 Aug 2009 21:02
by twerth
Yeh, it's a long sad story, but you've got time, right?
The boss (wife) can only tolerate one bike at a time so for me, the Ducati's it. But she's ok with a project bike as long as the plan is to sell it once it's done. That's how the KLR fits in. I've done a few bikes before (see the link below), and even advertised one of them (a street tracker) on this forum. So, I've got the KLR advertised on Craigslist, but I think I'm asking enough that it won't go quickly.

All part of my sinister plan (evil laugh). Hope the wife doesn't visit this forum.
Re: What's a 1990 KLR650 Worth?
Posted: 18 Aug 2009 21:33
by tp_cracker
Did you make sure it has the good Doohickey and not the stock? Nice plan by the way, just hope your wife doesn't find out, otherwise you won't have any bikes.
Re: What's a 1990 KLR650 Worth?
Posted: 18 Aug 2009 21:34
by Kware
I know the story. I maybe selling my DRZ400S, because the Boss, has decided she is interested in riding her own street bike. So trying to decide if it will have to go to get her a starter bike.
Re: What's a 1990 KLR650 Worth?
Posted: 19 Aug 2009 07:55
by troy
Kware wrote:I know the story. I maybe selling my DRZ400S, because the Boss, has decided she is interested in riding her own street bike. So trying to decide if it will have to go to get her a starter bike.
I guess it was always a risk that this day would come--Kware is going to be a Harley-only guy. It was nice riding with you while it lasted, K. Unfortunately, we can't be friends any longer.

Re: What's a 1990 KLR650 Worth?
Posted: 19 Aug 2009 19:04
by Kware
Wow!, that hurt's Troy. Well, now I have even more decisions, Piss out the boss, or keep you on my friend list. It seems like just yesterday that Mike and I met you and Klye in Parkville for your first published ride.
Like Twerth, I have a backwards plan. I would sell the DRZ, get a starter for the boss, she doesn't cut it, sell the starter bike, buy more of an adventure bike, so I can take off with you to Arkansas....
Re: What's a 1990 KLR650 Worth?
Posted: 19 Aug 2009 21:18
by ajayhawkfan
Does not seem like a decision to make to me. See you soon on a gravel road.

Re: What's a 1990 KLR650 Worth?
Posted: 19 Aug 2009 22:27
by katbeanz
Kware wrote:Wow!, that hurt's Troy. Well, now I have even more decisions, Piss out the boss, or keep you on my friend list. It seems like just yesterday that Mike and I met you and Klye in Parkville for your first published ride.
Like Twerth, I have a backwards plan. I would sell the DRZ, get a starter for the boss, she doesn't cut it, sell the starter bike, buy more of an adventure bike, so I can take off with you to Arkansas....
Can't you just stall for a couple months? If that doesn't work I'll sweep off the front porch, maybe throw an old piece of carpet out there, $500 a month. Your friend, Dean

Re: What's a 1990 KLR650 Worth?
Posted: 20 Aug 2009 19:19
by Kware
Thanks for the offer Dean. But I think we'll find a way to stay friends with Troy without me sleeping on your porch. When he thinks about how many good memories we have, he'll take back those mean things he said.
Re: What's a 1990 KLR650 Worth?
Posted: 20 Aug 2009 20:41
by MacWildcat
I'm not a KLR fan Kevin, but I'm sure you could work out a trade for you Hardly Runningson. Of course you might have to kick in a few bucks to make it a fair trade!