Mark Big Dog Sampson wrote:Guys !!
You don't see me forwarding a bunch of crap to you 7 times a day like
I've seen some people do--------well here's an item that is very nice
and really cheap-----------if you're looking for some tank panniers.
I bought them at tractor supply--TSC for $36 and was ticked pink with my
purchase------then someone on the net found them here ... tem=343551
For $29.26 and you don't have to leave the house. I put them on my KLR
---but they would easily and quickly transfer to another bike.
Very heavy duty------not flimsy at all.
Waterproof material------with waterproof zippers.
Nice big size
Each big bag has a divider in it making 2 full length compartments.
Small outside compartment---on each bag.
2 small compartments just next to the gas cap--not clearly shown in the
Built in bungee at the bottom for fastening.
Velcro sewn in the back so the bags don't squirm around any.
They come in black in camo-----so be careful what color you order. I got
black so as not to make my beautiful KLR ugly. -------or any uglier than
it already is
My old $19.95 Wal-Mart panniers were getting tattered......and I was
going to start losing stuff if I didn't replace them
Get these before Aerostich buys them up in a bulk buy for $15 and sells
them for $220.