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Pit bikes
Posted: 05 Feb 2008 10:23
by troy
Can somebody please explain to me what a "pit bike" is for? What purpose is a tiny motorcycle used for? I'm kind of ignorant I know.

Re: Pit bikes
Posted: 05 Feb 2008 10:32
by MoRidin
Primarily they are a method to spend mass amounts of money on something that has absolutely no use whatsoever.
Most guys use to run around the pits ont he them (like Trail 50's and the such) as it can be a long walk fromt he scoring trailer to the truck. Then, guys started racing them for grins before the ctual race and that grew pretty big...with big grins to match. Nothing like 20 guys fully geared up on 2' tall mini cycles clearing 4' of air!
However, liability no prohibits pit bikes at almost all race sites, so they are goign the way of the dodo.
Re: Pit bikes
Posted: 05 Feb 2008 10:37
by troy
Thanks, Sean. Your answer is kind of what I envisioned and assumed, but I figured there must be more to it for people to spend money on these toys.
Now here is motorized transport with a real purpose. I'm sure the guys could use this around the pit. ... 168503.php ... sg_title_1
Re: Pit bikes
Posted: 13 Feb 2008 19:39
by Savage
They are for us grown men who want to relive our past riding mini bikes.
We have a couple of the 110cc pit bikes at the shop. Fun to dink around on. I see some kids around 12 yrs old or so riding them on the trails having fun.
I'll just keep riding my boys PW50 though. Hey I've got to keep the carb clean until he's old enough to ride it!

Re: Pit bikes
Posted: 20 Feb 2008 20:03
by Savage
You can't tell me that ridin' the berms doesn't look fun. LOL ... re=related
Re: Pit bikes
Posted: 20 Feb 2008 21:30
by slimtrader
I sold my 8 year olds honda 50 last year because she outgrew it. I sold it to a 15 year old. You guessed it, pit bike.

Re: Pit bikes
Posted: 20 Feb 2008 21:48
by troy
It does look fun, but not as fun as riding a full-size bike on dirt.
Re: Pit bikes
Posted: 20 Feb 2008 23:01
by Kware
I agree 100% with Troy. It would be much better riding dirt with a bike that fits your size. Riding one that small, does not translate to fun to me.
Re: Pit bikes
Posted: 21 Feb 2008 09:27
by iyeager
Sounds like you guys have never tried it.
I've got a friend in Liberty who has a smallish-sized track in his back yard with six bermed turns and one small table top that he built for his twin boys (four year olds at the time, now six, soon to be the next Carmichaels.) We go out and tear it up on TTR, DRZ, or KLX125's with the big wheel options. Still small bikes, but tons of fun. Lap times are in the low 40's and it gets pretty competitive sometimes. We look like gorillas riding those things around. The guy who lives there even messes around on a TTR90 occasionally and will rail on that thing. Good Sunday afternoon fun when you don't want to haul somewhere to ride.