Just wanted to say with all the rideing talk I did some wrenching on my bike yesterday to get it ready for spring riding. I want to be ready when someone makes the call for school creek riding area for our spring warm ride before April. I have the front wheel and new front tire down in my basement where it's warm so I can put some fresh knobbies on the front to keep my front end from washing out like I did in the mud this summer in MN.

Overall happy with the DRZ but would like to get something lighter w/better suspension in the future. I am forcing myself to pay off the home equity loan before any big purchases. In another year there may be some used Husky 450's available after inexperienced riders scare themselves or get injured.

I also took the YZ-80 out in the snow today and it was a blast! I put both feet out on the ground for stability and let it rip. We have about 6" here I must have looked like a cloud of powder.