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Posted: 20 Sep 2007 09:38
by fatburg
Hey there, thought I would start by introducing myself. I currently ride a Yamaha FZ6 street bike, but have always wanted to offroad/adventure type riding. Thought this might be a good place to get some insight on the subject. And hey, it is a RIDEforum after all...and I do ride.
Re: Introduction
Posted: 21 Sep 2007 13:08
by safiri
A lot of us DSers also have street bikes ... although my streek bike (K100RS) is for sale as DSing has taken over my riding!
Good luck with your search for a DS bike. Not sure what your price range is ... ????? ... so suggestions aren't possible.
General suggestions:
- liquid cooled. (althought the site admin "Troy" rides an air cooled bike and rides it well)
- 4 stroke (no blue smoke behind you)
Re: Introduction
Posted: 21 Sep 2007 13:25
by fatburg
thanks for the welcome.
I actually know Troy, he has been recommending me some stuff. Right now my range is around $2k +- depending on what I can find (I know, not great to work with). I'm not a guy who likes to change out a ton (although I say that and this would be my third style of bike in 4 years, haha) so I want something that'll last. I'm leaning to the drz400s, although it's def on the + side of my price range. I'm def a beginner at the whole offroad thing so I'm trying not to spend too much, that and I'm saving for an adoption. I'm surprised my wife gave me the ok in the first place honestly. But I don't want her to change her mind.
Re: Introduction
Posted: 24 Sep 2007 20:45
by Hank Moody
Welcome aboard! I was looking through the classifieds here on the forum and here is a good bike for starters and it is in your price range:
Re: Introduction
Posted: 24 Sep 2007 21:05
by fatburg
thanks for the welcome. Thanks for the heads up, I actually pm'd Duck about that one, sold 3 or 4 days ago. I actually have a line on a another ride, don't want to jinx it so I'll leave it at that.
Re: Introduction
Posted: 03 Oct 2007 08:43
by fatburg
Well it's official, I'm now part of the DS world. Picked up a new toy last Sunday. Woohoo, let the games begin.

Re: Introduction
Posted: 03 Oct 2007 10:55
by troy
fatburg wrote:Well it's official, I'm now part of the DS world. Picked up a new toy last Sunday. Woohoo, let the games begin.
Yup! I test rode it, and it's a sweet DRZ. (fatburg is my neighbor. I'm trying to convince his wife that I had nothing to do with his decision to dualsport!

Time to hit some backroads and trails!
Re: Introduction
Posted: 04 Oct 2007 21:46
by KC
WELCOME!! That is a nice looking DRZ...I'm sure she will serve you well.
Although we have "met" through several e-mails, I'll introduce myself here so you know who I am. Kyle here (Troy's brother) and I go by my initials (KC) in this forum. Good to meet you and look forward to riding with you soon. If you get your mods done in time, you are welcome to come down to Fall River the last weekend in October. It would be a good ride to get the feel for pounding out a couple hundred miles of gravel. Should be some good minimum maintenance roads to discover.
Re: Introduction
Posted: 05 Oct 2007 06:43
by fatburg
Well hot dog, the last weekend of October is the only one I have free (for now). I should have most of my mods done, ordering the skid today.
Thanks for all your help so far KC, I've never done much of my own work on bikes and it's nice to be able to bounce some newbie questions off someone.