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RideForum Logo
Posted: 17 Sep 2007 11:58
by troy
If RideForum needs a logo, here is my favorite candidate so far. It is the "pavement ends" sign used by some areas of the country. I don't think I've personally ever seen this sign on the road.
I like it because it could have 2 meanings for our riders. If, like me, you prefer to get off the pavement, it is a symbol of where we are heading--looking for where the pavement ends. If you like the pavement, then the sign could indicate the duality of our community--both paved and unpaved.
Re: RideForum Logo
Posted: 17 Sep 2007 12:21
by MesaLC4
Let me know if you need any help with logo design. That's my line of work and I'd be happy to put one together.
Re: RideForum Logo
Posted: 17 Sep 2007 12:49
by troy
MesaLC4 wrote:Let me know if you need any help with logo design. That's my line of work and I'd be happy to put one together.
YES! I would like a RideForum.NET logo! If you could help, MesaLC4, that would be great. Do you have any links that might showcase some of your stuff?
I'm probably no better than most clients you deal with--I can't really tell you what I want, but I can sure tell you that what you designed is not it!
I saw that pavement ends sign in an Arkansas ride report photo and thought it looked cool. It is simple, and I find it sophisticated and artsy in a way.
Before I saw that sign, I envisioned some kind of simple art that would portray a motorcycle and the outdoors somehow.
I prefer muted earth tones, but a splash of something bright would set it off maybe...I don't know. (If I'm starting to sound gay, just let me know.

Whatever we end up with, it can't be too complicated. It needs to look good small enough to fit on a business card. If it's really cool, I'll probably have t-shirts and/or hats made. I'd like to have simple cards with a logo and the URL to hand to other riders I meet on the street.
Re: RideForum Logo
Posted: 17 Sep 2007 13:47
by iyeager
troy wrote:(If I'm starting to sound gay, just let me know.

Re: RideForum Logo
Posted: 17 Sep 2007 18:53
by MesaLC4
Hey Troy,
Someone who knows what they want! You're ahead of the game. And you're on the right track in considering all the various usages of the logo. What I usually do is a simple version for silk screening, embroidery, etc. And then a more elaborate version for print, and web usage.
Here are a few recent samples of my work:
I like the idea of incorporating the "Pavement Ends" concept into the logo. Earth tones with a splash of contrasting color would be perfect. And not gay at all
Let me know if you want me to work up a few comps.
Re: RideForum Logo
Posted: 17 Sep 2007 20:28
by katbeanz
Flaming skulls and eyeballs aren't ghey, just sayin.

Re: RideForum Logo
Posted: 17 Sep 2007 20:50
by kchusky
How about something with a KTM on it?

Orange could be a nice contrasting color

Re: RideForum Logo
Posted: 17 Sep 2007 21:01
by troy
Greg, you got some mad skeelz. Btw, I worked for a company where Multivac was our biggest competitor. If you are willing to help out, yeah, you got the greenlight--you are good, and sounds like you understand what I want. Thanks!
Re: RideForum Logo
Posted: 17 Sep 2007 21:56
by Hank Moody
troy wrote:Greg, you got some mad skeelz. Btw, I worked for a company where Multivac was our biggest competitor. If you are willing to help out, yeah, you got the greenlight--you are good, and sounds like you understand what I want. Thanks!
The Multivac CFO is my neighbor. I also like the idea of a skull and cross bones.
Re: RideForum Logo
Posted: 17 Sep 2007 22:42
by MesaLC4
troy wrote:If you are willing to help out, yeah, you got the greenlight--you are good, and sounds like you understand what I want. Thanks!
Thanks, Troy! I'll go ahead and work up a few samples.
As for the Jolly Roger, I don't know about that one...I'll have to sit with that for a bit.
Btw, Multivac is a GREAT client!! I really enjoy working for them.
Ahoy, Mateys!!
Re: RideForum Logo
Posted: 17 Sep 2007 23:46
by ajayhawkfan
Daryl Perry wrote: I also like the idea of a skull and cross bones.
Skull and cross bones with flaming eyeballs over the gravel ends sign is not gay. Saying "earth tones" sounds a lot like something a hair dresser would say.
Re: RideForum Logo
Posted: 18 Sep 2007 07:53
by troy
I'm vetoing the skull and crossbones before it even starts.

I don't really want to associate our backroad and trail adventures with death and/or destruction and/or evil. I'm silly like that.
Although a logo that incorporates a baby with a knife through it's head would be kick-ass. Baby-killing. Something we can all get behind. Is there a more natural combination than dualsport adventure and baby-killing?
You'll never hear a hair dresser talking about baby-killing.
Re: RideForum Logo
Posted: 18 Sep 2007 09:37
by ajayhawkfan
troy wrote:
Although a logo that incorporates a baby with a knife through it's head would be kick-ass. Baby-killing. Something we can all get behind. Is there a more natural combination than dualsport adventure and baby-killing?
You'll never hear a hair dresser talking about baby-killing.
You are one sick puppy.

Re: RideForum Logo
Posted: 18 Sep 2007 10:06
by troy
ajayhawkfan wrote:You are one sick puppy.

I'm just trying to keep up.
Re: RideForum Logo
Posted: 18 Sep 2007 11:17
by will_kc
After looking at everyone's PICASA entries from the stampede, I vote for....
Of course we could change the bike to a motorbike, the rider to a baby with a knife stabbing a flaming skull....
But if we get T-shirts to support Troy's habit, this would make a nice two colour screen.
Re: RideForum Logo
Posted: 18 Sep 2007 12:04
by troy
will_kc wrote:Of course we could change the bike to a motorbike, the rider to a baby with a knife stabbing a flaming skull....
I thought about that, but how can you make it obvious that the skull is a baby? Perhaps if the flaming skull has a pacifier in it's teeth?
This is going to be great when our forum gets Google indexed for the terms "baby-killing" and "knife in flaming skull". That's exactly the exposure we need to drive traffic to our wonderful community.
Who started this anyway? ...oh yeah, that would be me.
Re: RideForum Logo
Posted: 18 Sep 2007 12:30
by will_kc
way to go Troy ! Put those key words inside of double ticks "#($*%" for the crawler...
Quick! Kill this thread! Start a new one!
Re: RideForum Logo
Posted: 18 Sep 2007 15:04
by iyeager
So who do I report the baby-killing thread to when the admin started it?
Re: RideForum Logo
Posted: 18 Sep 2007 15:06
by kchusky
His Wife

Re: RideForum Logo
Posted: 19 Sep 2007 21:57
by Hayden
You could report Troy to the other moderators who also have powers
Sorry Troy.......your going down!! for the baby killing thing.
Consider this thread killed in 5....4....3....2....