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HOWTO include photos in your post
Posted: 09 Nov 2020 17:48
by troy
People often ask, "How can I upload my photos?". My short but not helpful answer is, "you don't!" I created this screencast to show you the easiest way to upload your photos. I also show you how I don't want you to do it.
Caveat, the service has been having a lot of system issues lately, so you may get an error when you try to use it to upload your photos. Sorry!
Re: HOWTO include photos in your post
Posted: 09 Nov 2020 19:28
by Savage
Thanks ya cheap azz. What are our monthly fees for then?

Re: HOWTO include photos in your post
Posted: 12 Nov 2020 20:11
by bird man
tried your first suggested method and got what did I do wrong. The pics had been downloaded into my lap top from my I phone.
Request to: /3/image failed with: "The access token provided is invalid."
Internal Server Error
Re: HOWTO include photos in your post
Posted: 13 Nov 2020 08:29
by troy
My bad. I had updated my security tokens with Imgur. Apparently, this change required me to "re-authorize" RideForum for upload access. Fixed.
Note, however, that I do occasionally notice errors when uploading photos using Imgur. Seems the larger the file size, the greater the chance of an error. For sure, if you see an error, it's never your fault. There is nothing you can do "wrong" to cause an error.
Due to these problems, I am refunding everyone's subscription fee for November.
Good luck!
Re: HOWTO include photos in your post
Posted: 13 Nov 2020 17:12
by Savage
Thank goodness!
Re: HOWTO include photos in your post
Posted: 13 Nov 2020 17:18
by troy
...except savage's. His membership has been revoked.
Re: HOWTO include photos in your post
Posted: 13 Nov 2020 21:19
by bird man
Thanks I noticed later you had indicated they were having problems and thought that must be the problem
Glad to have my monthly membership money back now I can go shopping for more tools
We will all miss you Savage maybe Troy will soften with time and let you back in

Re: HOWTO include photos in your post
Posted: 25 Nov 2020 09:31
by ajayhawkfan
I envy Savage, he did nothing and got membership revoked. I have been doing everything I can yet still a member.
Re: HOWTO include photos in your post
Posted: 02 Dec 2020 10:20
by xr-nut
I have been on smugmug for fifteen years and used it on adv, pirate, here and others. My annual renewal just came last month and I ugh'd at the 50 bucks to keep it going. I guestimated that I used it <6 times for picture uploads, so I went there and downloaded all my pics and I am letting it lapse. I was kind of bummed that I would no longer be able to use pictures here, but it looks like now if I send Troy a few bucks I can just upload them!!! YEah !

Re: HOWTO include photos in your post
Posted: 02 Dec 2020 10:29
by troy
$50/year for a photo management tool like SmugMug stings a little, but if it allows you to efficiently manage many, many Gigabytes of photos, it's probably worth the $4.17/mo. By the way, you can configure the SmugMug app on your phone so your photos are automatically uploaded into a SmugMug folder where you can later organize things. I think this makes it even more useful/valuable.
Good news is you don't need a Smugmug account or any online photo mgmt solution to post photos at RideForum.NET! That was a main focus of this thread--to show you how to use the free
Imgur photo tool so that your uploads don't use up all the forum's disk space.
Thanks for the help, all!

Re: HOWTO include photos in your post
Posted: 18 Dec 2020 09:09
by troy
Re: HOWTO include photos in your post
Posted: 26 Jan 2021 15:15
by carlrf
Watched your video, nice!
Sun was in my eyes. I really was happy to be going on a ride!