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Rampart Range
Posted: 03 Sep 2018 10:07
by Savage
I made it back to Rampart Range Colorado this year. Myself and the older guy I went with last year planned to go again. Another guy I've been riding with quite a bit this past year asked if he could go as well. I had a better idea what I was doing this year and still had my map from last year so I planned out our rides for each day. I knew the older guy would mentally be up for any challenge I laid out, but after 9 miles of single track the reality would set it. So I planned rides with single track, ATV width trails, and some roads that dirt bikes without tags can legally ride. The weather was PERFECT every day! We had a blast!!!
Heating up enchilada's my wife made. Delicious!

Re: Rampart Range
Posted: 03 Sep 2018 10:39
by troy
I watched the whole video--EXCELLENT! What a great single-track, and combined with the scenery and weather, fantastic. I've ridden in CO a lot, but actually never at Rampart Range. I'll have to get out there.
1. THANKS for sharing!
2. THANKS for letting us hear the motorcycles rather than some annoying music you happen to think is cool! (My pet peeve! When I'm watching motorcycle vids, I want to hear the motorcycles.)
3. The camera makes everything look flat and easy, but I could tell there were some hairy bits in that trail.
A note about camping. Growing up on a Kansas dairy farm, dad would occasionally take us "camping" in the woods at the edge of our 240 acres. It almost always rained, because dad only took us camping if he knew we'd not be able to work in the fields the next day. Worse, with the dairy, the camping experience could not start until after evening milking and we had to be back EARLY for morning milking. So basically, set up tent in dark and break down tent in dark after waking up in an old canvas tent full of water after a really crappy night of KS heat and humidity.
As you can imagine, I did not grow up with a love of camping! Now, after a few years of motorcycle camping in the mountains with clear, cold streams whispering a few feet from my tent in the cool, mountain air surrounded by pine trees....well, it's magical.
I just returned from camping off the bike in the Black Hills of South Dakota and Big Horns of Wyoming. It was awesome. Because of a funeral I attended in Wilmington, IL before the adventure, I had a much longer drive home as I had to go back through there on my return. I ended up camping in a city campground in Springfield, IL....80 degrees and very humid. I could hear music from more than one campsite, and my tent was lit up by the too bright light of the shower house. Occasionally, I'd hear a siren or someone drag racing on the nearby streets. A very different and much less satisfying camping experience!
Re: Rampart Range
Posted: 03 Sep 2018 18:29
by Savage
Thanks Troy!
I've learned there is no way I could camp off a bike as I "need" to bring way too much stuff. I tell myself I'm going to be a minimalist, but that's not how it pans out.
I decided to go to RR last year after previous plans started to fall apart. I decided I'm going to ride in Colorado this year, period. I'll just go and sleep in my SUV and figure it out. Talked with another guy and he was game. The rest is history!

Re: Rampart Range
Posted: 04 Sep 2018 13:48
by Creekside
Pretty cool. I have only ridden FS roads in there and the main 'Rampart' road down to Garden of the Gods. That looks better than what I did!
That is totally different from what i did on a bigger bike in there. I do like that you can get there from Boulder and back in a day and hang out at night with friends. What I didn't like was you can get a speeding ticket on Rampart (luckily I was behind a line of lost cars in a white out), or on the windshield of a out of control jeep taking up all the road (twice). I'd say you had the better plan, the scenery was nice but it was too crowded & dangerous and I left. Way better big bike stuff away from the front range.
I too like camping out of the back of my truck, beats a motel and is always dry.
Re: Rampart Range
Posted: 17 Aug 2019 13:21
by Savage
Recently returned from there again. Had a blast! Sitting around the campfire with good company is just as fun as the riding.

Re: Rampart Range
Posted: 18 Aug 2019 21:10
by gagnaou
Nice pics and beautiful riding! Thanks for sharing!
Re: Rampart Range
Posted: 19 Aug 2019 06:33
by troy
I hate to see what hatches from that giant egg!