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New Year
Posted: 31 Dec 2017 22:01
by bird man
Many miles of Adventurous and safe riding to all in the New Year.
Have a Blessed New Year.
Re: New Year
Posted: 13 Jan 2018 09:29
by troy
What is this "riding" thing?
OK, so it feels like a really long time since I've been on my motorcycles.
I own 3 motorcycles and all 3 need mechanical work to be fit for riding.
The thing that ticks me off the most is my
2013 KTM 500 EXC needs a complete
top-end rebuild apparently. It is
smoking like crazy when I start it--more than many 2-strokes. Once it warms up, it smokes significantly less, but riders behind me smell it. It actually runs great. The Internets tell me this is almost certainly
worn valve seats.
This bike is not really that old and has relatively few hours on it--and I don't push this it anywhere close to its limits. My 2007 450 was old and torn up to heck. I rode it for years and never did anything to the engine--not even a valve adjustment! I checked it once...didn't need anything. I feel like this 500 engine has let me down.
This is not work I'll do myself, so need to find someone who wants to rebuild the top-end. I seem to recall something about aluminum racing valves from the factory and you can replace with steel to last longer? Anyone got recommendations or knowledge, feel free to share it.

Re: New Year
Posted: 13 Jan 2018 10:32
by Savage
I don't know anything about the 500, but yes you can replace aluminum valves with stainless steel valves. Is it burning oil or puking any oil?
I would start with a compression test and leak down test.
Maybe she's just mad because you never ride her?

Re: New Year
Posted: 13 Jan 2018 10:50
by troy
Savage wrote:Is it burning oil or puking any oil?
I would start with a compression test and leak down test.
Thanks for the reply, Savage.
It actually is leaking a bit of oil from the countershaft, but that's normal stuff on these bikes. It's not puking any oil, and yes it is technically burning oil--thus the smoke, but it runs great. Smooth, powerful, no issues there at all. So the wisdom I was reading suggested that if the bike is otherwise running fantastic, but you see smoke, it's surely valve seats rather than rings.
Of course a compression test or leak-down test would help identify the issue. this point, I think a top-end rebuild is in order regardless. If it's valves, top-end. If it's rings, top-end. So if I'm going to pay someone to tear the engine apart, might as well get the whole job done. Right?
It might be a different story if A) I had the time, patience, and skill to do the job, and B) I enjoyed that kind of work. Since I possess neither, and I don't want to go cheap and risk having to pay (money and lost riding time) for a second repair, I'd rather "do it all" when it's in the shop.
Re: New Year
Posted: 13 Jan 2018 12:12
by Savage
True. I'd have a hard time believing that a low-mileage 500 needs a new top end though. Could just be the valves seats or could be the oil scraper between the rings.
Does it just puff smoke at start up and then clean up after your ride it and get it up to temp? Or does it smoke quite abit when you start it and run it? Does it smoke every time you start it even when it's warmed up?
If you can find a good MC mechanic to do the work for you and not have to pay shop labor charges you will save a lot of money.
Re: New Year
Posted: 13 Jan 2018 12:16
by troy
Savage wrote:Does it just puff smoke at start up and then clean up after your ride it and get it up to temp? Or does it smoke quite abit when you start it and run it? Does it smoke every time you start it even when it's warmed up?
A lot of smoke on "is that a 2-stroke?". Tapers off to barely visible once hot, but still smokes. Bike has to sit and cool off a while for the heavy smoke to return upon startup. Reiterate--the engine runs strong, smooth, and "perfect" as far as I can tell.
Re: New Year
Posted: 13 Jan 2018 16:37
by Savage
How many hours?
Re: New Year
Posted: 17 Jan 2018 12:51
by Savage
Troy would you want to trade your clapped out 500 for my street legal 250 in perfect working order?

Re: New Year
Posted: 17 Jan 2018 18:26
by bird man
troy wrote:What is this "riding" thing?
OK, so it feels like a really long time since I've been on my motorcycles.
Yes It feels like forever since I have ridden even one of the crf farm bikes and even longer for the others. Everyday I walk past them when I go out and wish I could be ridding them......oh for warm weather again. I too have several bits of maintenance and etc. to do on more than one of them ,just haven't gotten motivated to do it......its a lot more fun to ride them ......I know I cant ride them right now so get it done.