Got this e-mail this morning from the BTK site:
Happy New Year, Fellow Riders ….
Getting your machine(s) ready for a great ride season ahead? Myself, am using the 'dark/cold months' to prepare new maps of yet unseen points of interest throughout the state.
Just a quick note ……
The Backroads Touring Kansas! bulletin board will become archived (inactive) on March 1, 2017.
After nearly sixteen years with the group, am stepping away from the site administration duties. Less admin duties = more adventure touring!
On and after March 1 ….
* Visitors will continue to have access through the entire bulletin board and main site sections ( a lot of history there! ).
* New Member Registration will become closed, and all topics locked (no new posts)
* Existing members can still PM or e-mail one another via their profiles
* Forget your password? After 3/1/2017, all support ends.
There have been discussions to designing a new board/forum, and with new features such as photo embedding, calendars, etc.
If you wish to become a member of the Transition Team that will ultimately decide and potentially direct the future of the community, just PM me directly and I'll open the discussion forum to you. There's only roughly sixty days remaining before this discussion forum goes into archival mode, so time is of the essence.
Best Regards, Roger Baugh - Webmaster
Backroads Touring - Kansas!
Looks like archival and development of a new site that resembles ride forum with the BTK or similar name. The old adage of Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery I guess. I liked Troy's proposal of combining the two - one less website to surf.
Open Letter to the Backroads Touring Kansas Community
Re: Open Letter to the Backroads Touring Kansas Community
Thanks for sharing this, Ed. I like Roger's idea of riding more! We all need that for 2017!

Re: Open Letter to the Backroads Touring Kansas Community
I agree, hopefully more riding and less down time in 2017, I did a nice easy 60 mile ride yesterday just to start the New Year on a good note.troy wrote:Thanks for sharing this, Ed. I like Roger's idea of riding more! We all need that for 2017!
Ed M
Re: Open Letter to the Backroads Touring Kansas Community
Well, I never heard from anyone officially regarding Backroads Touring, but a good friend alerted me to the launch of their new website.
First, that's a cool domain with the .bike extension! The site looks really nice, and the forum system they are using looks great. Congrats to their team!
Be sure to check them out. Let's RIDE!
First, that's a cool domain with the .bike extension! The site looks really nice, and the forum system they are using looks great. Congrats to their team!
Be sure to check them out. Let's RIDE!