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Walter's ranch
Posted: 14 Sep 2016 18:39
by Jengel451
Looks and sounds like Walter's ranch is turning into a purely 4 wheel rider area. Sucks.
Re: Walter's ranch
Posted: 16 Sep 2016 17:40
by Ed M
Went to Walters on Sunday, hardly anyone there, about ten bikes and 2 or 3 4-wheelers. I heard that some ATV club from Central Nebraska had left the day before.
All I'm going to say is that I rode 650 miles over Labor Day weekend on my 690 with no problem. Did maybe 30 miles on an obviously jealous 350XCFW that threw me to the ground and ended up with this:

Re: Walter's ranch
Posted: 16 Sep 2016 18:37
by Savage
I'll take What is a fibula spiral fracture for $500 Alex. Sorry man!
Re: Walter's ranch
Posted: 16 Sep 2016 19:07
by Hank Moody
Dang that's going to leave a mark! Were you wearing your boots? It appears so because you are lucky it wasn't an open fracture. Are you going to have it surgically repaired?
All kidding aside this sucks! I hope you heal quickly and get back on that nasty 350.
Re: Walter's ranch
Posted: 16 Sep 2016 20:04
by Ed M
I was wearing Alpinestar Tech 7 Boots when I crashed, left foot got caught under the bike, felt the pop when it happened. Initially I was more concerned with my knee (yes I wear knee pads also) as it hurt worse than my lower leg and I could move my toes and did put weight on the foot. Rode the bike the last 1/2 mile to the truck, tried to up shift it, got a quick flash of pain and decided I was going fast enough. Went home, knee was feeling good - no pain and figured all I had was a bad sprain and not worth going to the ER. Went to the doc on Monday and was surprised when they said I had a broken fibula. Got a walking boot and crutches on Tuesday and ordered a knee scooter. Amazon Prime delivered the knee scooter yesterday. Crutches suck.
Saw an Orthopedic Doc today, they took more X-rays and said it looked like everything was going back together nicely - no surgery as long as I don't do something to mess it up again, but no work for about 8 weeks, no weight bearing for at least two weeks. Doc also checked out my knee and said no problem there, must have been the impact when I hit the ground. Doc asked me about the boot, then told me I'm supposed to wear the boot 24/7 and only take it off when showering or bathing - I didn't know that, I had been taking it off at night to sleep.
Re: Walter's ranch
Posted: 19 Sep 2016 08:52
by troy
Sorry you got hurt, Ed. Be patience and heal!
I put 880 miles on my F800GS this past weekend. Some of those miles were the gnarliest, toughest stuff I've ever put her through. Had her loaded with camping gear and had to pick her up 3 times. Ugh. She feels like a dirt bike until I have to pick her up! Had to realign the bars twice. Fortunately I never got hurt.
Back to Walter's Ranch...I've never been there but was hoping to some day. @Jengel451, when you say "purely 4 wheeler", you don't mean that they are going to stop allowing bikes, do you? I assume you mean no more motorcycle-only single-track, but bikes are still allowed to ride?
This is in contrast to Chadwick, which I hear turned the North part of the park into a motorcycle only area. I've not been back to see these changes.
Re: Walter's ranch
Posted: 19 Sep 2016 14:38
by Ed M
Thanks Troy, where were you riding the F800GS at?
I doubt Walters will become strictly a 4 wheeler place, although on some Saturdays it does seem that way. Two of the dirt bike Hare Scrambles series that run in Missouri hold events at Walters. They try to use some old trails and mix in fresh single track before an event but don't arrow it until a couple of days prior to keep 4-wheelers off of it. We primarily rode the trail from the last hare scramble held there as the arrows were still up, which contributes to the problem because soon as someone on a 4-wheeler or even a UTV sees new arrows they try to follow the trail thereby destroying what single track was there.
The best thing about Walters is that it is a private operation, we have been told you don't have to follow the trails - ride wherever you want, which is nice. So we tend to create our own single track, just ride away from one trail and wander around until you find another trail, speed isn't the essence just having fun riding something new, there are dozens of trails criss crossing the land there, lots of elevation change. Everything from dirt, well implanted baby head rocks to tennis ball sized loose rocks about 6 inches deep, and rocky ledges that will scar the hell out of any skid plate. A fun place to ride just be sure you and the bike are well protected.
Re: Walter's ranch
Posted: 19 Sep 2016 16:44
by troy
Ed M wrote:Thanks Troy, where were you riding the F800GS at?
NW Arkansas -- took off from Harrison Fri morning and returned Sunday afternoon before hitting the highway for home. I hope to do a proper ride report once I get Sean's photos to mix with my own.

Re: Walter's ranch
Posted: 20 Sep 2016 07:22
by ajayhawkfan
That does not look like you took the proper line.
Re: Walter's ranch
Posted: 20 Sep 2016 08:21
by troy
ajayhawkfan wrote:That does not look like you took the proper line.
You think?

Actually, I think I was on the correct line, but I did not commit. It was of course WAY steeper than it looks in the photo. In the photo it looks like you could take any line--even running up the rut, but trust me that would not work. Bo was leading on his new 1190 with street tires. Sean was 2nd on his little Honda 500XC. On my F800GS with good off-road tires, I should have had the best advantage.
I had stopped to take some photos so those 2 were a ways ahead--out of my sight. It was a technical road--one where you needed to pick your lines quickly but carefully and stay on the power. I came around a bend and was faced with this steep, muddy bit. I puckered a little and looked for the line those 2 guys took. I did not see their tracks so started doubting whether I missed a turn or something. By this time it was GET ON THE GAS AND COMMIT or fail. Well you can see my poor choice.
Turns out those 2 guys breezed up it. They admitted their own pucker moments, but made the right choices at the right times.
Re: Walter's ranch
Posted: 20 Sep 2016 09:33
by ajayhawkfan
Thank you for not inviting me.

Re: Walter's ranch
Posted: 20 Sep 2016 09:37
by troy
ajayhawkfan wrote:Thank you for not inviting me.

Actually, I DID invite you, but with your big event this coming weekend, you had too much stuff going on. You would have been fine and you would have loved it.
My favorite part was camping in a flash flood with 10,000 spiders and, as it turned out, a wild bee hive 5 feet from our a graveyard. "adventure" It was pitch black except every time the lightning struck, you'd see the tombstones silhouetted on the hill.

Re: Walter's ranch
Posted: 20 Sep 2016 12:30
by ajayhawkfan
Sounds like a good time. I do need to break out my tent and see if it is still usable.