Switched Bikes Again!
Posted: 05 Apr 2016 23:08

EditSavage wrote:I'm pretty sure I saw your Husqvarna for sale on CL.
Pics or it didn't happencarlrf wrote:First thing I did was de-sticker it. I am not necessarily opposed to stickers but that's one of those thing I want to put on. So all the stickers are off currently. Those darned twisted throttle stickers were tough, they just kept shredding rather than peeling and yes I did use heat.
Next I tore in to the hand guards. Someone has cut the lever ends off, the grips were loose, the guards were pointed upward and when taking bolts out I could tell they were in a real bind. The throttle tube ended up having to come off too, as someone had done a nasty job of retrofitting aftermarket Scott grips on the OEM throttle tube. Took a dremel, file and sandpaper to make it happy again. I had to do a little tweaking on guards to get things lined up as well. Of course I helped support the anti-seize industry as usual when things went back together.