Where in the World is Carl (or is it Rob?)
Posted: 14 Feb 2016 08:30
Thread branch from http://www.rideforum.net/posting.php?mo ... =1&p=18725 where Carl said:

CARL....but doesn't this mean you will be moving to Denver in the relatively near future? I think a public forum is the right place to have this potentially very personal conversation.carlrf wrote:troy wrote:What?! I attended your "Retirement Party", Carl. I feel lied to. You are like one of those mattress stores throwing a "GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE" only to open the doors 2 weeks later. What a scam. Is "Carl" even your real name?carlrf wrote:I would go if I hadn't just started a new job.Actually my family and a few others call me Rob!
I moved Beth (my girlfriend) to Denver this weekend for a job she really wanted. Now all my expenses doubled just like that, so for the time being while I am again trying to reduce expenses I thought it wise to have a little additional income, and little is right.
Working at Bob Hindson Racing part time as cheap shop help, mostly janitorial duties really but I get to be around some neat cars!