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Opinions Please on 2009 WR250R
Posted: 24 Nov 2015 14:22
by carlrf
I need a smaller dual sport and based on my current research the Yamaha WR250R is the best performer next to the Husqvarna 310, but also next to the most expensive.
I rode one in Manhattan a couple weeks ago but it was rougher shape than I cared to buy for the price.
I know the 250 is lacking on the road but I need something I can get out of a ditch or off a hillside.
I am traveling to Milwaukee tomorrow and heading back Friday or Saturday so I can pick it up on the way back.
I have already been in communication with the guy. He works at a Honda shop in Crystal Lake IL. and it has been his personal bike.
Anyway I am open to comments on this.
And here is another one
Re: Opinions Please on 2009 WR250R
Posted: 24 Nov 2015 18:26
by Savage
They are smooth engines cruising down the highway, but have very little bottom end.
The bad news is that you're not going to like how tall it is or how much it weighs. It weighs as much as a DRZ400. They don't look heavy until you go to lift one up on a bike stand, then you get a hernia.
I would look at a KLX250. They are lighter and lower seat height. My 2 cents
Re: Opinions Please on 2009 WR250R
Posted: 24 Nov 2015 21:55
by bird man
I have a wr250r . It is a fun bike.....but heavy for its displacement. The lack of low end can be improved with a pipe and remapping the injection , also gearing it down a little helps. It does alright on the road ,will easily maintain speed limits, (except for interstate) and has lots of zip for its size. Its weight starts to show up when riding trails. In my opinion it is a great small displacement backroads bike. It has long service intervals also, according to the manual.
Re: Opinions Please on 2009 WR250R
Posted: 25 Nov 2015 14:02
by Jamee
It's a Yamaha..

If you do pick one up, please post your thoughts on it. My wife has been eyeing them up and once the boys are a little older, that's the bike she would like.
She put several years on a Yamaha ttr125le (bullet proof) and about 5k miles on a DRZ400s (also bullet proof but also very tank like).
I've not read or heard anything negative about them, shouldn't be anything that gets away from you unexpectedly and as long as a few maintenance items are done, it will last a long time. 6-speed gear box and fuel injected! I believe you can use the GYTR tuner on the ecu and load different maps (not sure if you have to replace the ecu with a competition version or not) My WR450 goes from insane to very mellow with a quick map change.
Good luck on the search!
Re: Opinions Please on 2009 WR250R
Posted: 25 Nov 2015 18:08
by carlrf
Thanks, thanks and thanks!
On my research I don't see very much difference between the wr and the KLX, 5 to 10lbs maybe?
What am I missing?
It needs to be street legal.
Re: Opinions Please on 2009 WR250R
Posted: 25 Nov 2015 19:04
by Savage
After re-reading I see you're right. I was thinking more along the lines of my KLX300. But after they put all the factory street junk they start to get a little porky. I guess if you get one you'll just have to get lowering links. Good luck in your search.

Re: Opinions Please on 2009 WR250R
Posted: 25 Nov 2015 20:03
by bird man
The wr250r rear suspension link is adjustable. I adjusted mine to as low as possible ,helped quite a bit.
Re: Opinions Please on 2009 WR250R
Posted: 29 Nov 2015 21:48
by Jamee
Did you buy a bike?
Re: Opinions Please on 2009 WR250R
Posted: 30 Nov 2015 05:40
by carlrf
It didn't pan out but still on the hunt!
Re: Opinions Please on 2009 WR250R
Posted: 02 Dec 2015 20:55
by rycomm
I bought an 09 Wr250R, and then sold my DRZ400. I really like the 6sp transmission and the fuel injection. It really gets rid of the lag the drz CV carbs had. I know it's only listed as a few pounds lighter than a drz, but mine sure feels much lighter. Mine does have different exhaust. Fmf header and pipe, and the Fmf programmer. I don't know how much difference it makes, because it was on the bike when I bought it. I know it weighs much less than the oem stuff, because all that came in a box. I haven't tested it extensively, but on the fall TARKC AR ride, I was very happy, compare to previous trips.
It's not a KTM or other European bike, but I think it is the best street legal bike in its group. You're welcome to come see /ride mine, if you want to. I don't have any trails, but some hay fields are very close.
Re: Opinions Please on 2009 WR250R
Posted: 03 Dec 2015 11:54
by carlrf
rycomm wrote:I bought an 09 Wr250R, and then sold my DRZ400. I really like the 6sp transmission and the fuel injection. You're welcome to come see /ride mine, if you want to. I don't have any trails, but some hay fields are very close.
Thanks for the input and invite, really appreciate an owners opinions.
If I hadn't been so indecisive when in Milwaukee I would have one now and would be getting ready for the Gladetop ride this weekend.

Re: Opinions Please on 2009 WR250R
Posted: 03 Dec 2015 19:18
by Hank Moody
I remembered Big Dog had a WR and I think he liked it. Here is the link, I just skimmed it but as usual for him it looks detailed. I hope this helps.
Re: Opinions Please on 2009 WR250R
Posted: 04 Dec 2015 05:39
by carlrf
Awesome thanks!