Was having a great ride in Arkansas when i just happened to be in front of an RV park when the bike stalled, was smoking from the radiator and smelled like radiator fluid. I rolled in and quickly saw a loose radiator hose leaking. Radiator was just about empty. Of course the first thing I did was poor cold water in (arrr!!!) my very hot engine. Let it stand for about 30 minutes then was able to jump start it. At first ok but then after about 10 sec large plumes of white smoke out the radiator. I shut it down and a very nice lady drove me to my trailer.
This morning the radiator was down again about 1-2 cups. I filled and started. Started right up but lots of white smoke or maybe more blue color too. Smell was like oil and at the tail pipe a very thin/watery oil substance. I drained the oil and it was chocolate milk. The wife is complaining the whole house stinks!!!

Hoping this is something like a gasket. I am no mechanic but thinking I may try to tackle this myself. Questions/comments/insults all welcome.