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Sun Dec 7: Help Troy Move
Posted: 01 Dec 2014 06:34
by troy
ONLY 10 SPOTS OPEN! If you want to help me move this Sunday, Dec 7, get your RSVP in soon as these spots will fill fast! This is the opportunity of the month! Don't be left out! All the cool kids will be helping me move.
OK, seriously, I know most folks have much better or at least more enjoyable things to do, BUT, for any who are willing, my move will go fast and easy with a small army of folks. I am moving from my home in S. Overland Park to my new place just 3 miles away. I have Kyle's 20' enclosed trailer and my truck for EASY loading/unloading. I expect at least another truck and flat trailer.
- 8:30 am recommended arrival time, but any time after that should work well
- Hot, fresh sausage/egg/cheese Kolaches and coffee at 8:30 am
- Beer, soda, and pizza when the move is done
- Bring your work gloves, and if you have a dolly, long tie-down straps, etc., bring 'em
Please email or call to let me know if you are coming. *
Free Lifetime RideForum.NET Membership for all who help me move.
Troy Wolf
troy at
* NOTE that offer of "Free Lifetime RideForum.NET Membership" provides zero benefit over the standard RideForum.NET account.
Re: Sun Dec 7: Help Troy Move
Posted: 01 Dec 2014 08:50
by MrHix
Sorry man. I have a line on a gold colored #7 knitting needle to finish my collection. I need to go & look at it on Sunday or I would be there.
Bummer for me.
Re: Sun Dec 7: Help Troy Move
Posted: 01 Dec 2014 12:09
by ajayhawkfan
Troy, I want to be more like you so I signed up for a scrap-booking class on that same date that runs just a long. Sorry buddy.
Re: Sun Dec 7: Help Troy Move
Posted: 01 Dec 2014 19:11
by bird man
As exciting as my needle point and scrap booking could hardly pass up an adventure to the concrete jungle for them. I am caught up and between projects with them anyway.
I have a 16 foot (very very clean inside and out ,well maybe a little dust may have filtered in the shed) stock trailer that you could use. Unless something comes up to keep me from coming I will be able to bring it. Even if I cant make it you are welcome to use it.
Re: Sun Dec 7: Help Troy Move
Posted: 01 Dec 2014 21:43
by HanesAnizer
I will be there. May not be able to dedicate all day, but certainly until lunch or so. I'll be driving my truck as well.
Re: Sun Dec 7: Help Troy Move
Posted: 02 Dec 2014 06:54
by troy
MrHix wrote:Sorry man. I have a line on a gold colored #7 knitting needle to finish my collection. I need to go & look at it on Sunday or I would be there.
No one can blame you. A gold #7?! Really?! I'm jealous.
ajayhawkfan wrote:Troy, I want to be more like you so I signed up for a scrap-booking class on that same date that runs just a long. Sorry buddy.
I forgot about that class! Doh! Guys, I'm going to do the scrap-booking seminar with Eddie. I'll have all the boxes and such labeled with which rooms to put them in. Really appreciate the moving help! Sorry I won't be there.

Re: Sun Dec 7: Help Troy Move
Posted: 02 Dec 2014 06:57
by troy
Mike & Birdman! SERIOUS thanks. I was starting to get a little concerned about having enough help, but a few folks have come out of the woodwork. As of right now, I know of 5 to 7 guys coming to help and several pickup trucks and trailers. There is a chance of rain that day, but we have a few enclosed trailer options. It will go fast!

Re: Sun Dec 7: Help Troy Move
Posted: 05 Dec 2014 06:24
by safiri
I will be there.
If dry I will bring my open trailer. (unless you say otherwise)
Re: Sun Dec 7: Help Troy Move
Posted: 05 Dec 2014 06:29
by troy
THANKS, safiri Mike!
OK, so the official move is still Sun morning, BUT, to the detriment of my family relationships, I was able to get out of my Saturday obligation down in Wichita. My wife and daughter are still going down there Sat, but I'll be working on the move--moving what I can, taking beds apart and such.
SO, if anyone was really upset because Sun did not work for their schedule, boy do I have good news for you! Folks are welcome to come Sat to help move whatever we can get moved. No earlier than 10 AM on Sat, though.

Re: Sun Dec 7: Help Troy Move
Posted: 10 Dec 2014 18:29
by MrHix
Hey Troy,
Did you get enough help to make the move?
I found out that I could have been there. The needle I was going to pick up was a made-in-China fake!!! Bummer. I had to go home and have a nice glass of warm milk.
I had EE lower the 350 suspension 1" and I hope to try it @ St Joe MO this Saturday.