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trail maintance tools
Posted: 01 Oct 2014 21:52
by bird man
I have been wanting what I referred to as an ATM ( all terrain mower) for use around the farm and trails. Not to be confused with the town version of ATM ,this one took my money rather than give me money. Here is what I came up with this week.
Those are sparticus 8 ply atv tires. They stick to the terrain much better than conventional turf tires. My test run this eve proved to confirm my hopes. I maneuvered places most people wouldn't expect a mower to go and did quite well.
Another cool feature (I hope) is single joy stick steering.
Re: trail maintance tools
Posted: 01 Oct 2014 22:07
by troy
Sweet man toy!
Re: trail maintance tools
Posted: 02 Oct 2014 18:41
by Rick
Birdman, I've got several hundred hours on my Country Clipper. It has served me well. When I bought it I test drove one with the joystick.....I kept bumping into things so I bought the two lever model. Just a learning curve thing I suspect. Rick
Re: trail maintance tools
Posted: 03 Oct 2014 06:37
by gagnaou
This is great Larry!!!
How high can you raise the deck to go over roots and other rocks?
Re: trail maintance tools
Posted: 03 Oct 2014 19:53
by bird man
With the deck clear up it measures 5 inches from the floor to the bottom of the deck.
Yes there is a learning curve, my big skid steer has a joy stick and I like it much better than the two levers. Not so sure about it on this mower ,we surely will get used to it. The neighbor boys do most of my mowing and they have one at home and like it. They think it is cool with the bigger grippy atv tires too.
Troy ...we should refer to things like this as "TOOLS" in groups outside of our discussion here.
No, the wife don't care she encouraged me to buy it and likes it. She likes new and shiny it is a wonder I am still around

We have been putting over 150 hours a year on our mower, so another justification for a 2nd mower. This new one will go places the other one won't also.
Re: trail maintance tools
Posted: 04 Oct 2014 11:08
by katbeanz
bird man wrote:Troy ...we should refer to things like this as "TOOLS" in groups outside of our discussion here.
Amen! That's a dandy machine, and I'm still reeling from seeing Eddie's turbo saw and grapple bucket.

Re: trail maintance tools
Posted: 06 Oct 2014 21:04
by bird man
Spent 3 hours this eve doing trail maintenance/mowing with my new ATM "tool". It will definitely take you where you want to go within reason.....well for a mower beyond reason. The joy stick steering is good, once you get on to it you can maneuver quicker and easier with less effort. Just don't make a false move on the edge of a tall creek bank. No I didn't do it ...was very careful in those spots.
Re: more trail maintance tools
Posted: 15 Oct 2014 23:34
by bird man
Using another one of my "tools" could be as fun as riding times.
Check out this stoppie !!

More pic and a video here: ... directlink
Re: trail maintance tools
Posted: 16 Oct 2014 06:08
by troy
Pics & video are great! Hard to believe how effortlessly you rip a tree out of the ground roots and all!

Re: trail maintance tools
Posted: 16 Oct 2014 20:08
by KC
If you haven't seen what an excavator with a mulching attachment can do, watch this:
Re: trail maintance tools
Posted: 16 Oct 2014 21:37
by bird man
Now that is a tree eating machine/tool.....cuts-m down and turns-m into sawdust in one quick motion
field edge maintance
Posted: 17 Nov 2014 21:15
by bird man
Re: trail maintance tools
Posted: 18 Nov 2014 16:18
by troy
Why do you hate trees, Larry?!