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1984 Honda XL350R Needs our help!
Posted: 05 Aug 2014 20:22
by KC
There is an old timer I know at K-State who rides his 84 XL350R to work almost every day. Apparently this model is pretty rare and he wants to keep it all original. Some jack hole backed into it, knocking it over against a brick wall...then took off without owning up to it. He has it at a local mechanic's shop for repairs(I didn't ask him where or who). The clutch lever perch is broken and he says they are having trouble finding a replacement. I looked on several online suppliers OEM diagrams and it is not available. Does anyone know this bike? Seems like there should be a lot of other models that would use the same part???
Re: 1984 Honda XL350R Needs our help!
Posted: 05 Aug 2014 21:06
by bird man
You might try this guy. Dan at New river salvage 540 674 1354. He was very helpful and prompt with my order for a part I needed.
Re: 1984 Honda XL350R Needs our help!
Posted: 05 Aug 2014 21:50
by Bob Morgan
Re: 1984 Honda XL350R Needs our help!
Posted: 05 Aug 2014 21:57
by Savage
Going from memory, it looks like the one Bob posted. Does the bike look like this? Just wondering if its my old one?

Re: 1984 Honda XL350R Needs our help!
Posted: 09 Aug 2014 20:07
by KC
Savage, I don't think it is the same bike. Nice picture...that is the Northwest corner of the Spillway Cycle Area overlooking Tuttle Creek Resevoir.

I believe you have posted several pics of a number of different bikes at that spot!
Thanks for your input guys. My friend said he was going to buy that aftermarket perch from ebay. I don't think anyone will notice.
Re: 1984 Honda XL350R Needs our help!
Posted: 17 Aug 2014 07:58
by Hank Moody
I was going to say try the XL 250 because they are likely the same. I remember a guy in high school had one of these and thought it was the fastest around. That was until he raced my Yamaha IT 250 E, it wasn't even close