Perry Lake Work Day
Sunday April 13 CANCELLED
Details at http://perrylake.org/
Just like we did with School Creek ORV at Milford, we are coordinating with the US Army Corps of Engineers to clean up the trails at Perry Lake. Huge thanks to Stu for putting this thing together!
We'll be trimming branches off the trails, trimming the grass along the perimeter fence and spraying for weeds, and constructing a creek crossing using a conduit and gravel.
The Corps has given us the green-light on bringing our UTV Side-by-Sides to help. They will open the gate to allow the wider vehicles onto the trails. The park will be closed to recreational use that day. We envision needing vehicles that can haul gravel from where the Corps dumps the pile to the creek where we plan to construct the crossing.
There will be LOTS of work, so help us rally the troops!