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Sunday April 13: Perry Lake Work Day!
Posted: 19 Mar 2014 22:03
by troy
BAD NEWS. Considering the forecast, we are cancelling the work day this Sun. We will pick another date and announce it soon.
Perry Lake Work Day
Sunday April 13 CANCELLED
Details at
Just like we did with School Creek ORV at Milford, we are coordinating with the US Army Corps of Engineers to clean up the trails at Perry Lake. Huge thanks to Stu for putting this thing together!
We'll be trimming branches off the trails, trimming the grass along the perimeter fence and spraying for weeds, and constructing a creek crossing using a conduit and gravel.
The Corps has given us the green-light on bringing our UTV Side-by-Sides to help. They will open the gate to allow the wider vehicles onto the trails. The park will be closed to recreational use that day. We envision needing vehicles that can haul gravel from where the Corps dumps the pile to the creek where we plan to construct the crossing.
There will be LOTS of work, so help us rally the troops!

Re: Sunday April 13: Perry Lake Work Day!
Posted: 21 Mar 2014 07:57
by Savage
Wow, sounds like the Corp is very willing to help out. I've only been there once and had no clue where I was going so I don't know how good or how bad the place is. I'll try to make it. We might be home or might be at Great Wolfs.
Kudos to you guys for organizing this!
Re: Sunday April 13: Perry Lake Work Day!
Posted: 24 Mar 2014 11:49
by DanielKeimTS
Myself and a few others are in. I'll be able to bring a utv with a dump bed and a sprayer attachment if it's needed.
Re: Sunday April 13: Perry Lake Work Day!
Posted: 24 Mar 2014 12:38
by troy
DanielKeimTS wrote:Myself and a few others are in. I'll be able to bring a utv with a dump bed and a sprayer attachment if it's needed.
Thanks! To get you a good reply, I asked Reese with the Corps. The response is that we might hold off on spraying that day. It might be better to do that when there aren't lots of people around--you know, breathing and stuff.
Your UTV with dump bed almost certainly will be very helpful, but the sprayer attachment can stay home.
We really appreciate your willingness to help. We are trying to get the word out. As I understand, the Corps (Reese) will post a sign(s) at the riding area so hopefully a few of the folks who ride there will see it and be willing to help. I've sent a notice to all the area powersports dealers hoping they'll mention it in their newsletters and
hang the poster in their shops and at their registers.
Re: Sunday April 13: Perry Lake Work Day!
Posted: 27 Mar 2014 21:55
by troy
Just so y'all know, I also
posted this over on Those guys are kicking this forum's ass when it comes to volunteers signing up. You bunch of pansies.

Re: Sunday April 13: Perry Lake Work Day!
Posted: 08 Apr 2014 09:59
by troy
There is a small chance we'll have to postpone due to rain, but plan on this thing happening. If we call it off, I'll post the update here as soon as I know. I'll also update the
Perry Lake Work Day website.
WE NEED A VOLUNTEER TO STEP UP who is willing to coordinate with CycleZone in Topeka to pickup an ATV on Sat, bring it to the work day, then return it to CycleZone on Tue. CycleZone is graciously allowing us to borrow a used ATV off their sales floor to help carry tools and such during the work day. Please reply to me if you are able to help with this.
Reece Nelson with the Corps confirms that the plans are looking good. He will be scoping out the creek crossing location this week and getting the gravel and culvert, etc on site this Friday. Also, it looks like the Corps has a Mule utility vehicle that can help move gravel down to the creek crossing site.
On that note, one of the MoKan members offered to bring his Bobcat, but it now looks like he has to work this Sunday. He hinted that we could use it if we had a skilled operator. I have experience and can run it, but
we are looking for someone with real, regular experience running a Bobcat who would be confident running one down the treacherous trails at Perry to move gravel to the crossing site, etc. Safety is a major concern obviously. Inexperienced Bobcat operator surrounded by volunteer laborers is a potentially dangerous mix.
Re: Sunday April 13: Perry Lake Work Day!
Posted: 09 Apr 2014 21:15
by troy
BAD NEWS. Considering the forecast, we are cancelling the work day this Sun. We will pick another date and announce it soon.

Re: Sunday April 13: Perry Lake Work Day!
Posted: 10 Apr 2014 08:56
by DanielKeimTS
Bummer, but we'll be ready to come down on the rescheduled date.
Re: Sunday April 13: Perry Lake Work Day!
Posted: 10 Apr 2014 08:59
by troy
DanielKeimTS wrote:Bummer, but we'll be ready to come down on the rescheduled date.
Thanks, Daniel! It is a bummer, but had to cancel. Looking forward to the work we'll be doing there. Reece Nelson of the Corps has been great to coordinate with.
Re: Sunday April 13: Perry Lake Work Day!
Posted: 02 Sep 2014 14:03
by troy