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New KTM owner
Posted: 05 Feb 2014 21:01
by Car94

Re: New KTM owner
Posted: 06 Feb 2014 08:43
by gagnaou
Nice! How do you like It?
I noticed that you have the TT bash plate on it, do you have any more goodies on it?
Re: New KTM owner
Posted: 06 Feb 2014 11:13
by Car94
gagnaou wrote:Nice! How do you like It?
I noticed that you have the TT bash plate on it, do you have any more goodies on it?
Love it! Easily in my top 3 of all the bikes I have owned, It is a Sport bike, Dirt Bike and Cruiser rolled into 1.
I have the Akropovic Exhaust, R&G Case Covers and Radiator guard, Extended tail shelf from KTM, Motech Bags, Heated grips from KTM, Upper Crash bars are on the way and I ordered a pre-filter. Aux Lights are only thing I have not decided on.

Re: New KTM owner
Posted: 06 Feb 2014 11:22
by gagnaou
You updated the exhaust for the weight or are there other reason to get rid of it?
Auxiliary lights are a must if you do any riding at night IMO I have a set sold from Black Dog on my 950 and I love them. Just hard to justify spending more money after having spent that much on a new bike
Do you have a GPS mount and if so did you go with the KTM one?
I have been told that the foot pegs position shape etc makes them feel too small standing up, is that your experience as well?
Probably the way I want to go if I update my 950 so trying to get a lot of the questions answered ahead of time

Re: New KTM owner
Posted: 06 Feb 2014 16:27
by DirtFarmer
gagnaou wrote:
I noticed that you have the TT bash plate on it, do you have any more goodies on it?
Flatland should have a skid plate, pipe guard, radiator guard and high fender kit anytime. Prototypes done.
Re: New KTM owner
Posted: 16 Mar 2014 20:25
by Car94
Rigid D-2s and a Airhawk and I will be done.

Re: New KTM owner
Posted: 17 Mar 2014 21:09
by phil denk
Rigid lights seem to work pretty good. I put a set on my KLR. Happy Trails makes a mounting kit that should fit your crash bars. I ran the wiring inside the cowling to avoid any interference with the forks. The switch that comes with them seems to be more for an automotive application (not very waterproof and not adaptable to mounting on the bars). I mounted mine on a small aluminum plate and mounted that next to the instrument cluster to keep it out of the weather as much as possible. Congrats on a real nice bike...!!!
Re: New KTM owner
Posted: 17 Mar 2014 22:26
by gagnaou
There is a guy on ADVrider that goes by Kag that got his lights done pretty cheap. Here is what he PMed me
Wiring harness $20
I paid $49 or so for each pair of 10w LED lights off of ebay (8 degree spot and 20 degree flood) I also found the piaa bar claps for $30 and the front ones I got some 5mm stainless steel bolt from Ace hardware and a couple of 3/4" spacers then bolted it the front two bolt holes near the very front of the bike under the headlight. if yo look you will so them.
The put out a lot of light. I just was not paying the ridiculous amount of $$ they are asking for LED lights when the same lights are on ebay much cheaper. If you decide to do it come look at mine and see how I rigged it up. Running the wires sucks as you have to pull the tank but now that I have done it once it will be much easier if I ever do again.