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Posted: 29 Jan 2014 08:28
by Rusty Jug
Went out to the garage and no start, battery dead and I keep it on trickle.
The battery is 4 years old so I guess I need a new one, any thoughts on a good cheap battery

Re: Battery????
Posted: 29 Jan 2014 08:54
by Rick
Good cheap......oxymoron?
Re: Battery????
Posted: 29 Jan 2014 09:48
by troy
Re: Battery????
Posted: 29 Jan 2014 10:12
by MoRidin
They are not cheap, but the new generation of Lithium batteries is one of those unsung tech advancements of the decade.
WAY more cranking power and literally 1/10 the weight. You can drop that 8 pound anchor for a 12 oz feather that will crank your thumper over so fast it is shocking.
I have the EarthX - it is sunning (but not cheap). Since my Husky is a kicker only I need 100% starting every time. I had a Turntech in the past, and it was a good product, but nowhere near as good as the EarthX (as far as quality is concerned).
The good news is that these require zero maintenance and will outlast your bike.
Re: Battery????
Posted: 29 Jan 2014 16:55
by Rusty Jug
Ok love the cranking and the weight,not that it's going to help my big butt

I want good dependable cranking source looks like a winner to me!!!
For the help on all posts!!
Re: Battery????
Posted: 30 Jan 2014 07:42
by Motoracer13
Don't forget to add the cost of a charger in on those lithium batteries!
Re: Battery????
Posted: 30 Jan 2014 20:34
by HanesAnizer
I'm pleased with the Turntech I purchased. Starts the bike much better, well made and super light. As for charging, you can use a standard trickle charger as long as it's less than the amp of the battery. You can't just leave them on there to "maintain" and don't use the desulfate chargers. Might be easier with a charger designed for lithium, but I'm cheap