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Back Roads in SW Mo?
Posted: 24 Jan 2014 16:03
by Bob Morgan
An old buddy of mine from High School wants to take his first shot at a dual sport. He and I rode trails together back then........... street too for that matter. I still don't know how we survived multi cylinder 2 stroke street bikes, but I'm off topic.
He lives in Springfield, and I'm in Topeka. It will be his first time on a bike in years, and I'll be putting him on the DR650.
I'm looking for some nice scenic back roads somewhere in the middle, and I haven't really ridden that area much.
Any suggestions or tracks would be appreciated.

Re: Back Roads in SW Mo?
Posted: 24 Jan 2014 19:47
by MrHix
I made a couple of tracks around Chadwick. Pavement, trails, dirt roads, and 2-track.
I don't know how to attach them here, but I can e-mail them to Troy and he can e-mail to you.
Re: Back Roads in SW Mo?
Posted: 25 Jan 2014 10:27
by Bob Morgan
That would probably be a good idea. I'm behind the curve on "tracks" and can only work with mapsource files.
Is that a possibility Troy?
Re: Back Roads in SW Mo?
Posted: 25 Jan 2014 16:14
by MrHix
The tracks will be in a Garmin GPX file that will work with Mapsource or Base Camp.
Re: Back Roads in SW Mo?
Posted: 27 Jan 2014 11:57
by troy
Another popular SW MO dualsport area is the
Glade Top Trail area.
Re: Back Roads in SW Mo?
Posted: 27 Jan 2014 16:49
by MoRidin
There is that guy from ADV Canonshot or something - he has some very solid routes all over southern MO and northern AR. If you cannot dig them up, let me know and I will do some Googling. They were fairly recent and he posts some really solid ride reviews with GPS attachments.
Re: Back Roads in SW Mo?
Posted: 28 Jan 2014 19:40
by Bob Morgan
Thanks you guys!
I'm currently side tracked, but will get back on planning this ride soon.
Re: Back Roads in SW Mo?
Posted: 28 Jan 2014 21:43
by bird man
If you get anywhere near Cookys Café in Golden City it is a worth while stop. The pie is worth the trip and the food is good too.