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This is YOUR community! Ideas?
Posted: 30 Nov 2006 17:07
by troy
For years, we all enjoyed the excellent website and forum. We all say a big "THANK YOU" to Roger Baugh for getting the Kansas Dualsport community started!
Roger is still running, and the site continues to have plenty of great dualsport-related information, links, and of course all the great Kansas photos! However, Roger recently made the decision to stop hosting the forum. As you all know, the forum is the one tool that really made it easy for us to organize group rides and share our dualsport-related information.
announcing RideForum.NET! I've created this website first as a local dualsport riders forum with the main goal of allowing us to coordinate rides. I have a vision for much more than that, though! One of my favorite ideas is to develop a GPS route library where riders can search, download, and upload route files!
What ideas do you have to benefit the community? Share your thoughts by replying right here in this topic.
Troy Wolf
Posted: 30 Nov 2006 19:11
by MacWildcat
I'm in and chomping at the bit (handlebars)! Let's get the word out to our rider buddies.
Posted: 30 Nov 2006 20:13
by Stu
Is it prophetic that you opened your forum on the first day that we have ice with snow coming in tonight? What does this mean, Troy?? I really don't want to put my bike up yet.
Posted: 30 Nov 2006 20:27
by Jeff620RXC
Thanks Troy!
I like the GPS route section ideeer!
Posted: 30 Nov 2006 21:13
by troy
Stu wrote:Is it prophetic that you opened your forum on the first day that we have ice with snow coming in tonight? What does this mean, Troy?? I really don't want to put my bike up yet.
There's a simple explanation really---the ice storm means I couldn't ride my motorcycle, so the only other thing I could do was create a motorcycle-related forum website!

Re: Thanks
Posted: 30 Nov 2006 21:15
by troy
Jeff620RXC wrote:Thanks Troy!
I like the GPS route section ideeer!
Hi, Jeff! Yeah, the GPS route idea is a good one I've been toying with for awhile. The problem isn't the ideas--it's finding the discipline to sit down and code them!
Posted: 30 Nov 2006 21:32
by Hank Moody
This is GREAT! Troy, I knew it was just a matter of time before you did this

We will need a picture section and how about a spell checker? Since English is my second language sometimes I need that safety net. Maybe we can get some sponership going??? No snow in Parkville, yet.
Posted: 30 Nov 2006 21:39
by Hank Moody
Okay, one more suggestion. How about an Index button to return to the Fourm Index quickly

Posted: 30 Nov 2006 21:39
by troy
Hey, Daryl! I do plan to enhance the posting tools--spell checker and stuff like that.
Sponsorship is of course a thought on the horizon. Sponsors will go where the target market is. Right now, we have 7 "members"--not exactly sponsor-bait quite yet! Once we have 100+ users and active discussions, I may pursue some sponsors, but I never want the site to become an ad-spam network where the real content is buried between 3 pages of ads!
Of course, if any of you are a potential sponsor or know a business owner who may be interested, send them my way. I'd be glad to talk about it.
PS: Nice avatar, Husky-boy!
Posted: 30 Nov 2006 21:41
by Hayden
Super sweet Troy. This little baby you have created is going to be a handfull. Any help you need, let me know. A big thank you to you for keeping us in touch with each other and Roger B for the BTK site. Lots of good info there and pictures so I hope it sticks around for a long while. I still have lots of pics to look at over there.
With that in mind. I do like a place where we could post pics and give ride reports. I very much like the Idea of the GPS routes being posted. The individual bike forums were cool also. I really like the thing going on over at Advrider where a different pic comes up everytime you visit. Would it be hard to copy that Idea?
Hummm maybe we need to sit down and think this out. How big do you want this to be????
Trace. R
Posted: 30 Nov 2006 21:41
by troy
Daryl Perry wrote:Okay, one more suggestion. How about an Index button to return to the Fourm Index quickly

See the top of the page--below the top menu--where it says "RideForum.NET Forum Index..."? That is what you call a "breadcrumb" navigation link system. You can click any part of the breadcrumb to return to that point--including the index page.
Posted: 30 Nov 2006 21:48
by Hayden
OOHH!! a for sale section, classifieds, what ever. I may be selling some bikes soon and the BTK site was going to be my first place to advertise.
Posted: 30 Nov 2006 21:50
by Hank Moody
troy wrote:Daryl Perry wrote:Okay, one more suggestion. How about an Index button to return to the Fourm Index quickly

See the top of the page--below the top menu--where it says "RideForum.NET Forum Index..."? That is what you call a "breadcrumb" navigation link system. You can click any part of the breadcrumb to return to that point--including the index page.
Well, there it is. Could you make it a different color for us computer challenged folks.

Posted: 30 Nov 2006 21:52
by Hank Moody
Hayden wrote:OOHH!! a for sale section, classifieds, what ever. I may be selling some bikes soon and the BTK site was going to be my first place to advertise.
Hey Tracy,
Did you get a magic button on your new Honda yet??? Also, I remember you saying that you really liked the KTM 525 EXC, is there one in your future?
Posted: 30 Nov 2006 21:56
by troy
Daryl Perry wrote:Well, there it is. Could you make it a different color for us computer challenged folks.

Done. Just for you, Daryl. Like I said--this is YOUR forum!

Posted: 30 Nov 2006 22:05
by xr-nut
hey t roy, whats up with the KLR on the top??!!! I can send some pics of a MUDDY RED BEAST!
Posted: 30 Nov 2006 22:08
by troy
Ha! That's actually a photo of my brother, Kyle. It's from late 2005 when he and I had KLR's. That photo is from an abandoned railroad bridge between Augusta and Wichita, KS.
SURE, send me a photo or two. I'd like to create a library of banner photos and code it so they change randomly everytime you load a forum page.
Posted: 30 Nov 2006 22:13
by Hayden
Flipping quarters, not sure what to do right now. I like the XRR but it was getting too hot and hard to start in AR. I am thinking a fan first and see how that works. I have no trouble starting it if I keep plenty of air flow going through those radiators. I have also got on some kind of Motard kick and I think I need one soon. The TE610 is at the top of my list with the KTM625 right next to it. Of course what else is there??? Oh I guess there is that DRZ 400SM. Dont think that will suit my power needs after riding the XRR.
I did go look at the 525(07) that is street legal. They had a 450 also. I had to bite my lip and walk out. That 8 grand price tag was hard to swallow after the Adventure, XRR, and KLX, purchase all in the last year. I have to down size a bit first. Thinking very hard about 2 bikes in the garage and thats it. Keeping the 640A for sure, then maybe the XRR. OK OK then maybe a motard also. I may just motard the KLX and be done with it. What to do what to do??
Techi page
Posted: 30 Nov 2006 22:42
by KC
I am honored to have my old KLR (and legs) at the top of the newest, and soon to be greatest, motorcycle riding forum...good work Bro!
I would like to see a Technical questions page. It wouldn't necessarily have to be bike specific or anything. Maybe just a general technical page where we could ask questions about modifications, maintenance, gear, etc... I believe we have enough knowledge within our group to answer just about any motorcycle related question. I know I learn something new just about everytime I go on a ride.
"Knowledge is good, SHARE IT!"
Posted: 30 Nov 2006 22:52
by troy
Hayden wrote:Super sweet Troy. This little baby you have created is going to be a handfull. Any help you need, let me know.
Thanks, T!
Hayden wrote:A big thank you to you for keeping us in touch with each other and Roger B for the BTK site. Lots of good info there and pictures so I hope it sticks around for a long while. I still have lots of pics to look at over there.
Hayden wrote:With that in mind. I do like a place where we could post pics and give ride reports.
With the quality and quantity of good, free, photo posting sites, and the fact that photos eat up harddrive space fast, I probably will not develop a system to directly host photos. (Harddrive space is the one hosting resource I'm a bit short on.) However, it does not mean that I can not develop tools to make including photos in posts easier---right now, it takes geeks who like to play with this stuff to understand how to include a photo in a post. I'll see what I can do to make that easier.
Over the last few months, I've been giving some thought to a "ride report tool" that would make it as simple as possible to create the standard ride report where you have an intro, then a series of pictures and paragraphs. I'd also like to have the ability to tie a ride report to the GPS route file that would be in the GPS Library Tool.
Hayden wrote:I very much like the Idea of the GPS routes being posted.
That's at least 3 votes for the GPS Library tool. I will make that one of my first development tasks.
Hayden wrote:The individual bike forums were cool also.
It's obviously very easy for me to create them--if the community thinks they are needed or desired. I didn't think they got used that much. We could have a general "Bike Advice" forum perhaps? People could post questions and advice about any kind of bike...if the traffic gets really heavy, then we could seperate into various kinds of bikes....votes?
Hayden wrote:I really like the thing going on over at Advrider where a different pic comes up everytime you visit. Would it be hard to copy that Idea?
I normally hate useless "doorway" pages, but I too love the photo surprise at! They have such an amazing membership. They've collected some truly fantastic photos. I was actually just on the phone discussing this with my brother, Kyle. You see the banner image at the top? I'd like to have a whole collection of those that change randomly and add to the rotation on a regular basis as good photos come through. There will be a home page eventually and I'd like to feature a photo there that changes often.
LOTS of possibilities obviously! I'll need to focus on the features we think are the most beneficial first, then add whiz-bang fun stuff as we have time!