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Hot Alma Nights 8/17/13
Posted: 15 Aug 2013 19:42
by Savage
Looks like they're having a big car show and just all-around fun family time in the Alma metropolis this Saturday. If the weather is nice like it has been, we're going. It's gotta be better than the Paxico Meatloaf Festival.
Anyone else?
Re: Hot Alma Nights 8/17/13
Posted: 17 Aug 2013 08:47
by Savage
Tonights the night! We're going topless!
Re: Hot Alma Nights 8/17/13
Posted: 17 Aug 2013 22:21
by Savage
Great night out! Nice weather, good stuff to look at, good BBQ, Topeka drumline, kids had fun, good memories.

Re: Hot Alma Nights 8/17/13
Posted: 18 Aug 2013 15:19
by Bob Morgan
Ya gotta love a good old fashioned small town street party................. Get out the cars, roast a pig, drink some beer, and hang out! I actually wish I could have gone, but pet drama ruled my weekend. God rest.

Re: Hot Alma Nights 8/17/13
Posted: 18 Aug 2013 17:40
by Savage
There were cars all over. I'm not a car show guy anymore but this one was different - just a big hangout, and cheap snacks, drinks all over.
R.I.P doggy.
Re: Hot Alma Nights 8/17/13
Posted: 19 Aug 2013 06:22
by troy
You took some really great photos, savage! I love small town, and that looked very small town. That gunship bike is way cool. I don't want to know what it weighs! It looked authentically dirty, too. Was it?
Re: Hot Alma Nights 8/17/13
Posted: 19 Aug 2013 12:45
by Savage
Yes its was honestly dirty. Weeping fork seals, tag was totally caked over and you could see he wiped it off just enough to keep the fuzz from pulling him over. The guns spun around too! I assume they were controlled by remote by air, because they would spin every so often.
I work with the girl with the lifted Chevy and she drives it to work every so often. Its funny seeing her get up in it.
I just heard there were 411 entries, open containers are legal, and lots of burnouts happened after 9:30.

Re: Hot Alma Nights 8/17/13
Posted: 01 Aug 2015 20:08
by Savage
We're hoping to go again this year. It's 8/15/15 if anyone would like to go check it out.