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Post pics or video from your ride today
Posted: 14 Jul 2013 22:28
by Savage
So you went for a ride and had a good time, you tell your wife but she could care less (she's clueless).
If you don't think it warrants its own thread, then post up your pictures and/or video from your ride today so we can all check them out. You know we'll appreciate it here on the best dual sport website Kansas has to offer.
I'll kick it off!
A bud and I got out for a short ride this morning around Pott county. The weather couldn't have been any better for mid-July. I had a blast!
Re: Post pics or video from your ride today
Posted: 15 Jul 2013 19:15
by jasoomian
OK, not much of a ride, nor a fine, detailed pictorial, but I'll bite and share what I have from Sunday. This is from my trip up to Wichita, KS last weekend to see friends and family.
This was my lunch, Fire Baked Dragon Roll from Ninza (yes, with a 'z') Sushi in Wichita, KS - by far, BY FAR, the best sushi I have ever had in my life. My friend Lara had the Sashimi Salad in the top part of the frame - also delicious.
I'd like to say that this is more than it is, a well deserved bathroom break, but, it's not.
This picture was the result of turning right, and then left off of 166E for a couple of hours as I meandered my way home from Wichita. I wanted to take more pictures, but, as has happened a thousand times now, I had, once again, managed to press something against the on/off button on my camera while it was in my tank bag so the batteries were dead. So, I had to take photos with my phone.
It really was a beautiful day to ride home until the heavens unleashed a torrent of rain somewhere around Pawhuska, OK.
I've always liked this part of OK, yes, the wind is generally 'bullshit' for riding and the tree ahead of me is one of very few in the landscape - but there is a certain solitude about it that never fails to bedeck an already beautiful riding day.

Re: Post pics or video from your ride today
Posted: 15 Jul 2013 20:11
by Creekside
mine are under the ride area
not much different just with hills and trees, barns and dusty gravel instead of dirt.
Re: Post pics or video from your ride today
Posted: 15 Jul 2013 23:04
by stimmer6253472
Ophir Pass today with my dad.
Edit: just noticed the picture was from Lost Dollar not Ophir.

Re: Post pics or video from your ride today
Posted: 16 Jul 2013 09:26
by troy
Jim, How great it must be to be out riding the mountains with your Dad!
Jassomian, why does your bike look 10 feet long in this photo? I really like this shot!

Re: Post pics or video from your ride today
Posted: 16 Jul 2013 10:15
by jasoomian
I wish I took more pics when riding, but, I so oft get in the spirit of just riding around, that I really just want to see what's around the next bend, or down that road, so, I forget and just sort of adventure on.
I'm sure it has something to do with the line of the road drawing your eye to the horizon and forced persepective? I'm sure someone more versed in 'art' would say it's also something about mucking with your sense of size - kind of how mountains look really close on a clear day, when, in fact, they are not. Or how the moon looks much larger when it's closer to the horizon.
Re: Post pics or video from your ride today
Posted: 17 Jul 2013 08:50
by Creekside
i dont know but I think it all looks like art to me!
Re: Post pics or video from your ride today
Posted: 18 Jul 2013 16:38
by stimmer6253472
Couple shots from today...

My dad is 71 and has had bikes for years but really doesn't ride dirt much. Didn't have any problems with Corkscrew, Hurricane or California passes.
Re: Post pics or video from your ride today
Posted: 18 Jul 2013 17:42
by Savage
That's just awesome! You both are very lucky!
Re: Post pics or video from your ride today
Posted: 18 Jul 2013 18:24
by allkidd
stimmer6253472 wrote:Couple shots from today...

My dad is 71 and has had bikes for years but really doesn't ride dirt much. Didn't have any problems with Corkscrew, Hurricane or California passes.
Jim, Great that you ride with your Dad...I'm sure it means a lot to him. My son and I were set to leave next week to Taylor Park for our 8th year in a row. Unfortunately, we were out mountain biking a few days ago and he fell and broke his arm. My hope is that when I'm 71 we will still be making the annual Colorado trip!
Re: Post pics or video from your ride today
Posted: 12 Aug 2013 19:50
by Andy
This post needs more posts.
This was from yesterday:
Kansas is a lot prettier when it rains.
Re: Post pics or video from your ride today
Posted: 19 Aug 2013 20:59
by Savage
More pics... OK
Here's some pics from last weekends rideforum group ride.

Re: Post pics or video from your ride today
Posted: 15 Sep 2013 09:23
by Savage
Re: Post pics or video from your ride today
Posted: 15 Sep 2013 16:02
by Rusty Jug

- ImageUploadedByTapatalk1379278878.012616.jpg (82.66 KiB) Viewed 45577 times
Great ride at Cooper Creek at Deepwater MO
My daughter had a great time!
Re: Post pics or video from your ride today
Posted: 15 Sep 2013 18:00
by Savage
Any more pics? That looks like a fun place.
Re: Post pics or video from your ride today
Posted: 15 Sep 2013 20:05
by Rusty Jug
No, if you notice daughters back tire is flat after a hour of riding and we didn't notice it until I took pic. She thought the sand was making it squiggly lol! She said I needed a pic of her that way people knew she wasn't a 10 year old boy! Lol!!
Better add that pic!

Re: Post pics or video from your ride today
Posted: 17 Sep 2013 06:53
by troy
Rusty Jug wrote:
Great ride at Cooper Creek at Deepwater MO
My daughter had a great time!
I've never actually ridden at "Deepwater".
If you have insider tips about the area, be sure to update this thread. Although your time got cut short, did you find some areas that were "kid friendly" to play on the dirt bike? She has a big smile in that 2nd pic you posted! Looks like she had fun despite the flat.
Now...I have to ask...did you haul to a riding area without any spare tubes and tire changing tools?! You've got a dirt-bike trailer and everything--that stuff should just be in that trailer.

Re: Post pics or video from your ride today
Posted: 17 Sep 2013 14:19
by Rusty Jug
Yes, I trailered bikes in enclosed trailer with all the tools and had everything prepared for a Honda 450x bike!
I don't have any tubes for my daughter's bike Grrrr! The tube was shred for fix a flat. So I bought tubes this week for her!
So now both bikes are ready!
Well almost, she hasn't seen my mechanic bill yet!

Re: Post pics or video from your ride today
Posted: 17 Sep 2013 18:01
by phil denk
Sand Hills ride...

Special thanks to David H. and especially Larry who put together some awesome tracks !
I was supposed to make this ride with the group but had to cancel because of family illness. Decided to make a solo loop later in the week. ... directlink
Re: Post pics or video from your ride today
Posted: 29 Sep 2013 21:12
by ajayhawkfan
This weekend I did some riding on and around my farm.
Rode directly through one of my native grass fields.
Practiced riding a rut.
I also rode some trail with Chris on Sunday.
It was a nice weekend.