I don't want to start a specific thread, but I'm kind of excited. I GOT A NEW BIKE!
Guess what it is.

Sabetha tap.Savage wrote:Awesome! Where's that water from? Sweden, Italy, Austria, or China?
Before it was lovely sabetha tap, I guess it came from some puddle in Californiaajayhawkfan wrote:Sabetha tap.Savage wrote:Awesome! Where's that water from? Sweden, Italy, Austria, or China?
DanielKeimTS wrote:Not really of my ride but too cute not to post...little man was pretty upset he didn't get to go today so started loading all his stuff when I was unloading this evening.
This problem has come up a lot. In the discussions I've had with folks, we figure the only real way to get a definitive answer would be through a government official like the county planner. Part of my problem is not knowing WHO to actually contact. Despite being suspicious of this situation many times in Arkansas as well as a few spots in KS, I guess I've never had the wherewithal or gumption to actually see the process through.Ed M wrote:I checked everything I could but even with that I still came across gated and or cabled roads that had no trespassing or private driveway signs. In some cases I had already traveled more than two miles down a gravel road that had a standard green street sign at the beginning, only to find a gate marked private drive. Garmin, Google, and the Delorme map all showed these as thru roads. In some instances I could see a new house not far from the gate. I figure someone bought the property on both sides of the road then gated it off as private, I doubt it is legal but it is what it is.