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Re: Liability insurance
Posted: 27 Feb 2013 18:26
by Savage
This thread has me thinking. It sounds like some of you would advise me to drop my insurance on my dog? Am I reading that right?
Re: Liability insurance
Posted: 27 Feb 2013 20:27
by Bob Morgan
I ride a bicycle too!!
Oh My God!
And my lawn mower!!
Re: Liability insurance
Posted: 27 Feb 2013 20:43
by ajayhawkfan
Bob Morgan wrote:I ride a bicycle too!!
Oh My God!
And my lawn mower!!
Homeowners. LOL
Re: Liability insurance
Posted: 28 Feb 2013 08:39
by Stu
Troy can't hurt anyone. He is too slow. Rick, if you manage to catch me and run over me and damage me willfully I fully anticipate you will immediately return to your truck and bring me all of your beer. That will take care of the pain and get me home where I hope I can hide the damage from my wife.
My brother is a lawyer. He said that not having insurance is like playing Russian Roulette with a fully loaded gun. "Just dumb." he concluded. There are people who WILL see an immediate advantage in suing and plenty of hungry lawyers willing to take their cases. Just ask any surgeon. You ever notice the size of those ads and implied promises of gain in the phone book for liability lawyers?
I have State Farm full coverage on my KTM 500. I just fix stuff I tear up. I have never had a motorcycle claim. However, I have been at races where bikes were stolen off of trailers & out of pickups during the night prior to the race.
Re: Liability insurance
Posted: 28 Feb 2013 09:07
by troy
Everything I own and even my person has the potential to hurt someone or damage property. What if I take off my belt and swing it around and the buckle hits someone in the eye? I had better buy belt liability coverage. I have a chainsaw. What if I lend that to a friend and he cuts his foot off with it? I had better buy chainsaw liability coverage. I have one cat (one cat too many). I have friends who visit but are allergic to my cat. What if one of them decides to sue me for the health issues I've caused them? I need p______-cat liability insurance.
The insurance industry pushes fear to sell insurance. Trillions of dollars of insurance policies creates incentive for attorneys to create lawsuits. The increased likelihood of lawsuits creates more incentive to purchase insurance. ...and the wheel spins out of control.
Yes, this is the reality we live in, and if you want to be as safe as possible in everything you do, buy lots of insurance. I don't disagree with the people posting about the wisdom of insurance. For me personally, "safety 3rd" is more than just a funny tagline.
Can I buy a generic, all-encompassing umbrella liability policy that protects me regardless of the situation? If something like that was $25/mo and protected me in ANY and ALL situations where I am found liable for damage or injury, then I would be a customer. In the meantime, I guess if a friend rides my motorcycle, has an accident, and sues me, I'll use the money I saved on premiums to buy a better attorney than my now X-friend.
Re: Liability insurance
Posted: 28 Feb 2013 09:46
by ajayhawkfan
Troy, stop p______ footing around and tell us how you really feel?

Re: Liability insurance
Posted: 28 Feb 2013 11:41
by stimmer6253472
troy wrote: I have one cat (one cat too many).
hehe... couldn't agree more.
I have never had any insurance on a non plated bike and I had 2
friends break a leg on my 2003 KTM a few years ago within a few weeks of each other in my back yard. Neither sued. I guess theft insurance would be some what beneficial considering the Chadwick theft threads awhile back. That being said I will take my chances. Anyone thinking of stealing my bikes say hi to my Rott Charlie #2.
I had another Rott Charlie #1 that got ran over and the car that hit him sued me for damage to their car. I found him the next day in my driveway where he wasn't the day before so he must have crawled around injured for 24 hours before he died. Which is what pissed me off since they didn't stop to tell me they hit my dog. Maybe if they would of stopped I could of found him and got him help. Luckily my homeowners covered me on that one. They said my dog caused $5500 damage to their Accord. I say BS. Not an insurance hater but I tend to lean Troy's way. Bare minimun on most things.
Re: Liability insurance
Posted: 28 Feb 2013 13:48
by ajayhawkfan
Milt, a friend and attorney (not the blood sucking type) and a rider plans to attend the next TARKC meeting. He said he would be happy to answer questions anyone might have about liability claims and other general questions.
Re: Liability insurance
Posted: 28 Feb 2013 20:45
by Savage
Troy you better insure your pu ssy.
Re: Liability insurance
Posted: 28 Feb 2013 21:36
by Rick
Sorry I started this thread!
Re: Liability insurance
Posted: 28 Feb 2013 21:39
by ajayhawkfan
Rick wrote:Sorry I started this thread!
I'm glad you did. It got me thinking.
Re: Liability insurance
Posted: 01 Mar 2013 08:43
by Bob Morgan
Savage wrote:Troy you better insure your pu ssy.
Cat Insurance...............................
Got to love their catch line,
Are you ready for a Cat-Astrophe?
Made me laugh hard!
Re: Liability insurance
Posted: 01 Mar 2013 15:17
by BloodSucker
ajayhawkfan wrote:Milt, a friend and attorney (not the blood sucking type) and a rider plans to attend the next TARKC meeting. He said he would be happy to answer questions anyone might have about liability claims and other general questions.
I'm working on my avitar and looking forward to the meeting ...
Re: Liability insurance
Posted: 02 Mar 2013 10:42
by stimmer6253472
Troy started his post with, "No offense".

Re: Liability insurance
Posted: 02 Mar 2013 12:01
by safiri
ajayhawkfan wrote:For my Honda 230 dirt bike it costs $25 a year for liability. For the Yahama 450 ATV it is $32 a year. That is pretty cheap if I hurt someone.
Exactly. Liability costs for my recreational vehicles, all at a $500,000 level:
KTM 400 RFS: $35
140hp ski boat: $62
BMW F650: $27
Liability coverage does NOT protect YOUR BIKE/car/boat/etc, it does protect YOUR ASSETS (house, investments, etc.) when someone is hurt of other property is damaged by you or your property.
Like many, I don't insure what I can easily pay to replace. I can afford to buy a replacement KTM. What I can't easily pay is a $100,000 or more hospital bill (and/or damage suit) for someone that I run into.
Re: Liability insurance
Posted: 02 Mar 2013 21:02
by ajayhawkfan
safiri wrote:ajayhawkfan wrote:For my Honda 230 dirt bike it costs $25 a year for liability. For the Yahama 450 ATV it is $32 a year. That is pretty cheap if I hurt someone.
Exactly. Liability costs for my recreational vehicles, all at a $500,000 level:
KTM 400 RFS: $35
140hp ski boat: $62
BMW F650: $27
Liability coverage does NOT protect YOUR BIKE/car/boat/etc, it does protect YOUR ASSETS (house, investments, etc.) when someone is hurt of other property is damaged by you or your property.
Like many, I don't insure what I can easily pay to replace. I can afford to buy a replacement KTM. What I can't easily pay is a $100,000 or more hospital bill (and/or damage suit) for someone that I run into.
Re: Liability insurance
Posted: 03 Mar 2013 10:02
by katbeanz
ajayhawkfan wrote:
Liability coverage does NOT protect YOUR BIKE/car/boat/etc, it does protect YOUR ASSETS (house, investments, etc.) when someone is hurt of other property is damaged by you or your property.
Like many, I don't insure what I can easily pay to replace. I can afford to buy a replacement KTM. What I can't easily pay is a $100,000 or more hospital bill (and/or damage suit) for someone that I run into.
I've had too many speeding tickets fixed to bad mouth lawyers.

I have given some thought to an umbrella policy, I think you can get like a meeleon dollars worth of coverage for ~$150 or so a year. I don't like to think of losing my humble home or having to work forever.

Re: Liability insurance
Posted: 03 Mar 2013 19:00
by Hank Moody
I have deleted my last post after reading it again. I have had a recent loss of a family member and a little anger came out in my post towards Troy, which wasn't right. Troy I'm sorry for my comments and I hope you accept my apology.
Re: Liability insurance
Posted: 03 Mar 2013 19:29
by Savage
Sorry to hear of it Hank. Seriously.
Re: Liability insurance
Posted: 04 Mar 2013 08:27
by troy
Hank Moody wrote:...and I hope you accept my apology.
Not even necessary, my friend. While my words were without a doubt too far to one side, I knew something had to be going on with you when I read your post. Sorry for your loss. Accept my apologies for not contacting you when it was clear you were upset.